
Monday, March 30, 2009
Masa Untuk Berubah

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Wednesday, March 25, 2009
The Coming of Economic Armageddon??
Seriously folk, these are credible people, these same people have been saying this for umpteen years already. It seems that what we are experiencing now is just the beginning of something big. Bigger than what we have seen in our lifetime so far. If its true that the US will experience 15 year long depression, than imagine whats the rest of the world will be like.
According to some expert the US has only two option to alleviate their messy problem . Either to default on its loan or to trigger another war (click here). Both option are not pretty. The rest of the world will be dragged down together because the global economy is so intermingled and inter connected.
What is intriguing, the US knows their bailout scheme will not works (When Asean were facing the economic crises in 1997, they explicitly warned Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand NOT TO PRINT MONEY, yet when they face the same problem, the same prudent action was kicked out of the door). The scale of the bailout is so mind blowing and yet they continue to proceed even though they know the end result will the same nevertheless. Street chaos. They are well prepared for this (click here). There is no escape (click here)
If the US lost its economic super power status, other world power will jostle for position until an equilibrium is found . That period will be full of bloody conflicts.
I really hope that all this talk is just talk. But the reality is these people have been proven right most of the time.
In the mean time, the world wait anxiously for another 9-11 to unfold as predicted by Cheney ( click here) and Biden (click here).
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
The Guantanamo Guard Who Found Islam
When Hidayah came looking for you, it came in many forms. May Allah blessed those who seek the truth.
From Newsweek.com
Army specialist Terry Holdbrooks had been a guard at Guantánamo for about six months the night he had his life-altering conversation with detainee 590, a Moroccan also known as "the General." This was early 2004, about halfway through Holdbrooks's stint at Guantánamo with the 463rd Military Police Company. Until then, he'd spent most of his day shifts just doing his duty. He'd escort prisoners to interrogations or walk up and down the cellblock making sure they weren't passing notes. But the midnight shifts were slow. "The only thing you really had to do was mop the center floor," he says. So Holdbrooks began spending part of the night sitting cross-legged on the ground, talking to detainees through the metal mesh of their cell doors.
He developed a strong relationship with the General, whose real name is Ahmed Errachidi. Their late-night conversations led Holdbrooks to be more skeptical about the prison, he says, and made him think harder about his own life. Soon, Holdbrooks was ordering books on Arabic and Islam. During an evening talk with Errachidi in early 2004, the conversation turned to the shahada, the one-line statement of faith that marks the single requirement for converting to Islam ("There is no God but God and Muhammad is his prophet"). Holdbrooks pushed a pen and an index card through the mesh, and asked Errachidi to write out the shahada in English and transliterated Arabic. He then uttered the words aloud and, there on the floor of Guantánamo's Camp Delta, became a Muslim.
When historians look back on Guantánamo, the harsh treatment of detainees and the trampling of due process will likely dominate the narrative. Holdbrooks, who left the military in 2005, saw his share. In interviews over recent weeks, he and another former guard told NEWSWEEK about degrading and sometimes sadistic acts against prisoners committed by soldiers, medics and interrogators who wanted revenge for the 9/11 attacks on America. But as the fog of secrecy slowly lifts from Guantánamo, other scenes are starting to emerge as well, including surprising interactions between guards and detainees on subjects like politics, religion and even music. The exchanges reveal curiosity on both sides—sometimes even empathy. "The detainees used to have conversations with the guards who showed some common respect toward them," says Errachidi, who spent five years in Guantánamo and was released in 2007. "We talked about everything, normal things, and things [we had] in common," he wrote to NEWSWEEK in an e-mail from his home in Morocco.
Holdbrooks's level of identification with the other side was exceptional. No other guard has volunteered that he embraced Islam at the prison (though Errachidi says others expressed interest). His experience runs counter to academic studies, which show that guards and inmates at ordinary prisons tend to develop mutual hostility. But then, Holdbrooks is a contrarian by nature. He can also be conspiratorial. When his company visited the site of the 9/11 attacks in New York, Holdbrooks remembers thinking there had to be a broader explanation, and that the Bush administration must have colluded somehow in the plot.
But his misgivings about Guantánamo—including doubts that the detainees were the "worst of the worst"—were shared by other guards as early as 2002. A few such guards are coming forward for the first time. Specialist Brandon Neely, who was at Guantánamo when the first detainees arrived that year, says his enthusiasm for the mission soured quickly. "There were a couple of us guards who asked ourselves why these guys are being treated so badly and if they're actually terrorists at all," he told NEWSWEEK.
Neely remembers having long conversations with detainee Ruhal Ahmed, who loved Eminem and James Bond and would often rap or sing to the other prisoners. Another former guard, Christopher Arendt, went on a speaking tour with former detainees in Europe earlier this year to talk critically about the prison.
Holdbrooks says growing up hard in Phoenix—his parents were junkies and he himself was a heavy drinker before joining the military in 2002—helps explain what he calls his "anti-everything views." He has holes the size of quarters in both earlobes, stretched-out piercings that he plugs with wooden discs. At his Phoenix apartment, bedecked with horror-film memorabilia, he rolls up both sleeves to reveal wrist-to-shoulder tattoos. He describes the ink work as a narrative of his mistakes and addictions. They include religious symbols and Nazi SS bolts, track marks and, in large letters, the words BY DEMONS BE DRIVEN. He says the line, from a heavy-metal song, reminds him to be a better person.
(To Read more..click here)
Monday, March 23, 2009
Apakah ertinya ?
Apakah ertinya perpaduan jika ia penuh buruk sangka?
Apakah ertinya perpaduan jika hanya alat untuk berkuasa?
Apakah ertinya perpaduan yang menuntungkan sebelah pihak sahaja?
Apakah erti ketuanan kepada kepada manusia yang menjadi abdi kepada bangsanya sendiri?
Apakah ertinya ketuanan kepada budak penghantar surat?
Apakah ertinya ketuanan kepada supir kapitan?
Apakah ertinya ketuanan jika kais pagi makan pagi?
Apakah ertinnya ketuanan kepada kepada mereka yang tidak tahu akar bangsanya sendiri?
Apakah bezanya bertuankan penjajah dengan bertuankan penjenayah?
Apakah erti maruah kepada insan yang dimalukan dikhalayak?
Dimanakah maruah bilamana manusia menjadi kaya kerana tipu helah?
Dimanakah maruah bila kita mengangkat penjenayah menjadi kepala kampung?
Dimanakah maruah bila kita mengangkat penipu sebagai pendita?
Dimanakah maruah bila penzina diangkat sebagai pemuka mulia?
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Dilemma Melayu Kini
- Lahirnya teknokrat dan ilmuan Melayu yang mempunyai pandangan yang liberal dan berkeyakinan untuk bersaing dialam dunia yang lebih global. Golongan ini kemudian beranak pinak dan generasi mereka sudah tidak mengenal erti kemiskinan yang dahulu dikaitkan dengan Melayu dan hilang identiti Melayu mereka. Cara fikir mereka telah begitu jauh terasing dari cara fikir generasi sebelumnya. Semangat Nasionalis sudah tiada dalam diri mereka.
Dendam inilah yang tersirat didalam psikologi kaum bukan melayu yang menjadi motivasi utama mereka untuk memusuhi segala yang Melayu. Aku bukan berkata kosong kerana pengalaman aku bertugas dan bergaul dengan mereka membuat aku mengerti apa yang tersirat disebalik sifat luaran mereka yang nampak terbuka.
Malah sehingga kini penindasan kepada pekerja golongan Melayu yang bertugas dengan syarikat korporat mereka masih berlarutan. Seorang rakan aku begitu seronok dinaikkan pangkat sebagai AGM sehingglah beberapa bulan kemudian apabila dia mendapat tahu gajinya ditawarkan kepada beliau separuh dari gaji AGM lain yang tidak sebangsa dengannya!. Seorang lagi rakan aku pernah diberitahu oleh Bossnya jika beliau satu bangsa dengannya sudah tentu beliau akan dinaikkan pangkat memandangkan prestasi kerjanya yang baik!. Ini merupakan satu tindakann balas dendam yang tersirat dan halus.
Alasannya mereka amat mudah. Mereka memandang bangsa Melayu sebangai bangsa yang malas dan tidak sehebat bangsa mereka. Sikap 'superiority complex' ini ada dimana-mana dan sudah menjadi penyakit yang serius. Malah ada dua - tiga buah parti poltik multi rasial dinagara ini yang tidak melantik Adun-adun Melayu atas alasan yang sama!!!!
Kemerosotan Melayu
Kemajuan Malaysia menjadi salah satu negara membangun juga telah melahirkan satu sikap yang akhirnya menyebabkan Melayu berpecah belah. Soalan ini kita kena tanya TUN DR MAHATHIR sendiri kerana zaman pemerintahan beliau menjadi punca dan menyumbang kepada perpecahan Melayu yang serius. Zaman pemerintahan beliau melihat bagaimana Melayu yang tidak menyokong UMNO dihukum dan diasingkan dan Melayu yang tidak menyokong beliau juga dihukum. Zaman pemerintahan beliau menyaksikan banyak institusi Melayu diranapkan dengan sengaja atau tidak. Ini tidak perlu diulas panjang dalam artikel ini sebab ia telah didokumenkan dengan banyak baik secara ilmiah atau dialam maya oleh pengkaji yang lebih berwibawa dan lebih berkelayakkan. Secara peribadi aku melihat wabak korupsi ini meletup dizaman 22 tahun pemerintahan beliau.
Bagaimana seharusnya kita bergerak ke hadapan?
- Hapuskan semua sekolah Cina dan India. Semua Rakyat Malaysia harus dididik dengan satu aliran sahaja.
- Hapuskan DEB, ujudkan Dasar Membasmi Kemiskinan tanpa mengira kaum.
- Kekalkan Dasar membantu usahawan Bumiputera dengan secara meritokrasi dan bukan hanya usahawan yang menyokong UMNO sahaja.
- Hapuskan korupsi secara total dengan tidak memilih bulu
Jika kita berani melakukan ini maka kita ada masa hadapan yang cerah.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Hang Ali Rustam tersangkut
Monday, March 16, 2009
Gurindam Dua Belas - Raja Ali Haji (1847)
Ini gurindam pasal yang pertama:
Barang siapa tiada memegang agama,sekali-kali tiada boleh dibilangkan nama.
Gurindam II
Ini gurindam pasal yang kedua:
Barang siapa mengenal yang tersebut,tahulah ia makna takut.
Gurindam III
Ini gurindam pasal yang ketiga:
Apabila terpelihara mata,sedikitlah cita-cita.
Gurindam IV
Ini gurindam pasal yang keempat:
Gurindam V
Ini gurindam pasal yang kelima:
Jika hendak mengenai orang berbangsa,lihat kepada budi dan bahasa,
Gurindam VI
Ini gurindam pasal yang keenam:
Cahari olehmu akan sahabat,yang boleh dijadikan obat.
Gurindam VII
Ini Gurindam pasal yang ketujuh:
Apabila banyak berkata-kata,di situlah jalan masuk dusta.
Gurindam VIII
Ini gurindam pasal yang kedelapan:
Barang siapa khianat akan dirinya,apalagi kepada lainnya.
Gurindam IX
Ini gurindam pasal yang kesembilan:
Tahu pekerjaan tak baik,tetapi dikerjakan,bukannya manusia yaituiah syaitan.
Gurindam X
Ini gurindam pasal yang kesepuluh:
Dengan bapa jangan durhaka,supaya Allah tidak murka.
Gurindam XI
Ini gurindam pasal yang kesebelas:
Hendaklah berjasa,kepada yang sebangsa.
Gurindam XII
Ini gurindam pasal yang kedua belas:
Raja muafakat dengan menteri,seperti kebun berpagarkan duri.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Norza dan mentaliti reputnya

Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Perginya Mutiara Persilatan Melayu

Tuesday, March 10, 2009
UMNO Memerlukan pemikiran dan falsafah baru untuk terus relevan
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Forecast 2009 - Charting Stock.net
The prediction made by charting stock is for US audiences, but I think the ripple effect will be felt around the globe.
2009 will be a year of complete destruction for the US economy. 5 Million will lose their jobs. The Dow Jones Industrial average will break below 6,000. Municipalities will fail. Insurers will fail. The unemployed and foreclosed American population will take to the streets and begin rioting. The Greatest Depression is upon us.
Sound far fetched? We welcome you to read our archive section from 2007. ChartingStocks.net issued warnings of the coming stock market collapse and successfully predicted the coming depression which is now at hand. At the time, our view was also “far fetched.”
2009 Predictions:
Ten or more municipalities will fail this year. This will cause a panic in the municipal bond market as the municipalities will either default or threaten to do so absent a government bailout.
US Government Loses AAA Credit Rating- If the ratings agencies weren’t dominated and owned by US interests, this would have happened in 2008. I believe the situation in the US will become so dire that even the ratings agencies will have to downgrade the United States in 2009 OR begin to issue negative outlook warnings amid global outcry.
A major US insurance company fails: The insurance stocks look to be heading to the same place as Lehman, AIG and Bear Stearns did. The costs of hedging their portfolio risk has been skyrocketing as weary investors fall back on insurance company “Guarantees” to cover there investment losses. They dont have it. Some companies look stronger than others but I’d put my money on Hartford being the one to go.
The largest US banks cease to exist in their current form: As far as banks go, Citigroup and Bank of America are insolvent. They are bankrupt. They’ve been kept alive by trillions in US gov aid but, in the end, they will cease to exist in current form. This may suggest the “Bad Bank” scenario or a complete nationalization but they can not function for much longer as they are.
5 million Americans lose there job in 2009. Sounds like a high number but remember that we lost 3 million in 2008. The first few weeks of 2009 indicates a frightening acceleration in this trend.
Riots/Protests/Social Unrest: With the acceleration of job losses and foreclosures the citizens of the US go the way of Iceland, Greece, Spain, France, Latvia and Bulgaria and begin rioting in the streets due to the economic conditions.
Dow/Gold Ratio Hits 5: This ratio has been declining since 2000. Even throughout the previous “Bull” market, as the Dow was making new highs in cash terms, it was making new lows in terms of gold. In other words, the Dow Jones, adjusted for inflation, has been crashing for almost 9 years. Currently, the Dow is at a 20 year low in real terms. We expect the ratio to hit 5 this year. 5 ounces of gold will buy the Dow Jones. At current gold prices, the Dow would have to be under 5,000 however, we do expect that gold prices advance higher this year and so expect a higher figure for the Dow.
Dow Jones Break 6,000: What of this “Second Half” ralley the media is selling? We beleive it is not only wrong but completely reverse. In our view it is more likely that the Dow rebounds slightly in the early months of 2009 and then continues a sharp decline in the second half. We anticipate the Dow Jones breaking 6,000 in 2009.
To read the article in full click here
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Sediakan Payung Sebelum Ribut Petir dan Banjir Besar

Monday, March 2, 2009
Global Economic Storm Gathering Strength And We Have Nowhere To Run
2. George Soros see no bottom for World Financial Collapse ( Link here)
3. Professor Nouriel Robini on Sovereign Bank Failure ( Link here)
4. Financial Collapse of Eastern Europe Imminent ( link here)
5. Planet wide meltdown ( Link here)
6. British Pound and USD doomed ( Link here)
7. Irreversible Depression (Link here)
8. Warren Buffet - Economy will be in shambles in 2009 ( link here)
9. Glenn Beck - Worst Case Scenario featuring Gerald Celente part 1,2,3 (Link Here, here ,here )
10. 16 US bank collapsed in 2 month ( Link here)
11. US Recession May Continue Beyond 2009 (link here)
Budaya Flip Flop yang Memalukan

Beberapa contoh dasar dan keputusan yang tidak mengambil kira semua implikasi dan kepentingan strategik negara ini.