Friday, February 27, 2009

DAP -Seekor Harimau tidak akan dapat menyembunyikan belangnya

Selagi keris masih tersarung berbicaralah sepuasnya kerana, andainya ia sudah terhunus tiada masa untuk bicara.

Jika anda mengikuti lapuran berita sidang parlimen 2-3 hari ini anda tentunya tidak akan terlepas dari lapurang a) Gobind Singh Deo mencadangkan pemilihan Perdana Menteri Malaysia dibuat terus melalui PRU b) Bapa Beliau Karpal Singh menuduh Pemuda UMNO mengugut beliau secara menghantar peluru hidup dan beliau menyumpah pemuda UMNO dengan perkataan CELAKA!!.

Sebenarnya sudah terang lagi bersuluh. Parti perkauman DAP ini tidak pernah menyukai orang-orang Melayu ( kecuali Melayu yang sanggup dicucuk hidungnya). Ini hakikat dari dahulu sampai sekarang. Tetapi mereka ini amat licik sekali menyembunyikan belang mereka dengan slogan kesamarataan, keadilan, demokrasi dan meritoktrasi. Hakikat bahawa kebencian mereka kepada UMNO memang sudah tidak dapat disembunyikan, tambahan dengan sedikit kuasa yang ada mereka semakin berani menunjukkan siapakah mereka sebenarnya. Malah seorang blogger ternama mereka dalam postingnya secara halus mendedahkan matlamat utama mereka adalah untuk menghapuskan UMNO ( The ultimate aim is to erase UMNO).

Tetapi malayu mudah lupa, Lupa siapakah yang menyuruh MELAYU BALIK KAMPUNG di Jalan Bandar pada tahun 1969 (klik sini). Mungkin kita tidak perlu memanjangkan kelukaan ini demi kebaikan semua, tetapi matlamat mereka untuk memadamkan UMNO tidak pernah luput. Itulah hakikat sebenarnya.

Mereka tidak pernah berhenti mencuba. Mereka mencuba melakar semula sejarah dengan mengatakan Chin Peng adalah pejuang kemerdekaan. Mereka menegakkan monumen pejuang-pejuang komunis ini di pusara mereka. Darah Melayu yang tumbang tidak ada nilai bagi mereka. Mereka berterusan memfitnah Melayu

petikan dari screenshot YB Jeff Ooi;

The tone is, for the sake of big-picture politics in Malaysia where the ultimate goal of erasing Umno has yet to accomplish, DAP will continue to regard Anwar as the leader in Pakatan Rakyat. All deliberation will be done through the internal channels, cross parties. (Baca sepenuhnya disini)

Namun kini dengan mencadangkan supaya pemilihan PM dibuat melalui pilihanraya menggambarkan objektif sebenar mereka iaitu bukan sahaja menghapuskan UMNO tetapi dengan membunuh ketuanan Melayu akhirnya dengan sendiri menjadikan negara ini negara Republik. Ini kerana kita tahu bahawa YDP Agong mempunyai kuasa melantik Perdana Menteri Malaysia. Tanpa kuasa ini YDP Agong tidak lebih dari figura yang tidak mempunyai signifikan.

DAP tidak pernah menerima Islam sebagai Agama Rasmi negara ini. Mereka mungkin menidakkannya dengan kenyataan yang manis dan indah. Tetapi lihatlah tindakan dan perbuatan mereka. Aneh sekali PAS yang memang tahu hakikat ini tunduk dan sanggup pula menerima pakai kehendak pasangan mereka hanya kerana maukan KUASA malah menghalalkan pula apa yang dahulu mereka haramkan .
Adakah ini matlamat yang didokong oleh PKR dan PAS? Apakah PAS tidak dapat menghidu niat yang halus ini? Tidakkah mereka sedar mereka berguna kepada DAP hanya sehingga UMNO dihapuskan?
Aku ingin sekali mendengar apa wawasan Pakatan Rakyat jika mereka dapat menghapuskan UMNO. Bagaimana falsafah dan pendekatan pentadbiran mereka kerana sehingga kini aku tidak nampak apa-apa perbezaan kecuali barangkali di Kelantan.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Gerakkan mansuh PPSMI agenda politik untuk jatuhkan Hisham?

Terfikir juga aku tentang bantahan PPSMI yang sedang hangat ini berlangsung disaat pemilihan UMNO semakin hampir. Adakah Gapena di kudakan untuk tujuan menjatuhkan Hisham oleh lawan-lawan politik beliau ?

Ada seorang berkata kepada aku -"dalam dunia ini tiada apa yang berlaku secara kebetulan".


Monday, February 23, 2009

PPSMI - Ada Orang Baru Tersedar dari Lena Daaaa

Aku sungguh terasa pelek perihal Gapena dengan bantahan dan memorandum menentang PPSMI ni. Sebagai sebuah persatuan penulis yang berjuang mengangkat Bahasa Kebangsaan selayaknyalah mereka memperjuangkan Bahasa ini, tetapi masalahnya mereka telah tertinggal keretapi selama TUJUH TAHUN!!!!!!!!!!!
Setelah TUJUH (diulangi TUJUH ) tahun beru GAPENA hendak menentang dan berdemonstrasi dan sebagainya? Apa yang terjadi selama tujuh tahun itu? Adakah tempoh yang sebegitu panjang diperlukan untuk merangka deraf / membaca pruf dan mengesahkan untuk penerbitan memorandum bantahan tersebut? atau setelah tujuh tahun baru tumbuh telur jantan untuk melawan? atau selama waktu itu ada orang yang perlu dikipas dan dijilat punggungnya dan sekarang sudah tiada kepentingan, baru teringat untuk memperjuangkan sesuatu?
Pada pendapat aku lebih baiklah Gapena kembali ke rumah persatuan dan minum-minum kopi sambil bersayembara. Hipokrasi tentang perjuangan bahasa ini sudah ketinggalan zaman.
Sebenarnya tujuh tahun dahulu aku amat menanti-nanti suara-suara penentangan sebegini. tetapi malang sekali suara bacul/pondan pejuang-pejuang bahasa ini tidak keluar. MASING-MASING MENIKUS TAKUT HILANG PANGKAT!. Aku amat menghormati perjuangan pejuang -pejuang bahasa Cina yang sanggup berkorban wang ringgit /pamgkat/harta asalkan mereka dapat mengekalkan bahasa ibunda mereka. Itu lah tragedi bangsa Melayu kini, tiada lagi yang sanggup berkorban.
Setelah TUJUH tahun, anak-anak melayulah yang akan menjadi korban akibat sikap bodoh sebegini. Sekejap begitu, sekejap begini. Anak-anak yang berada disekolah akan terkeliru, natijahnya mereka akan jadi semakin dungu.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

World Financial System In A State of Insolvency

From The International

Gold now represents a flight to quality, banks being nationalizied, financial system in a tailspin, the depression we are now in is stage 2, inflation is a hidden tax, dollar stability being debauched, China wants out of the dollar, stability of EU at risk, Dow hiding its worst stocks from its index, Hosing bubble now burst puts prices back in line with incomes,

The tenor of the gold market has changed. Gold has decoupled from the dollar and at the moment it is not driven by fear of inflation or hyperinflation, but by a flight to quality. What else can be expected when the media reports that governments are deliberately creating inflation to offset deflation? Jewelry demand that normally makes up 80% of gold demand has dropped and investment demand is what is now driving buying. SPDR Gold Trust, the ETF GLD, has added 200 tons of gold over the past six weeks and 62,000 ounces last week alone. We are very skeptical regarding GLD’s gold purchases due to a tight market and no reports of their purchases. They may be using derivatives illegally and if they are and the derivatives fail the owners of the fund will be left with little of their investment.

The US dollar is no longer the premier safe haven, gold is. Gold is finally being recognized as wealth insurance. It has also decoupled from the influence of oil and other commodities. Even Russia in the face of terrible oil prices and one devaluation after another has purchased 90 tons of gold over the past 15 months.

Banks are being nationalized worldwide and people are becoming frightened and well they should be. The world is facing a major depression and banks are broke and being nationalized, and this is only the beginning.

The global financial system is in a tailspin and world leadership in Europe, china, Japan and the US act like the situation is some temporary breakdown. The system is beyond saving and the elitists planned it that way.

We have entered depression, which is stage 2 of the crisis and simultaneously stage 2 of the long bull market in gold and silver. As autumn comes the dollar will have broken to new lows versus other major currencies and gold and silver, as inflation rages. We could be looking at a dollar trading between 40 and 65 on the USDX, dollar index. In 2010 economic and financial distress will worsen. Some countries will slip into chaos. The fabric of society is going to be torn apart.
Today’s financial system is in a state of insolvency. The best example is the highly volatile combination of US dollars and dollar denominated assets and debt. Their problems are shared by most nations, their having copied what the US and England were doing.

These problems unfortunately have yet to be adequately addressed and that is why the situation gets progressively worse. Massive injections of liquidity were used in the 1930s with similar unsuccessful results. How can anyone believe that substituting public debt for toxic private debt is any solution? In the US $12 to $13 trillion has already been injected into the system, truly a mind-boggling amount and that is in just one year.

This exchange of debt is not only foolhardy but it assesses a hidden tax on the public via inflation, particularly on the poor and those who are retired. Minute by minute it steals their assets. The result is that this exponential increase of public debt is making US Treasuries as toxic as the private toxic waste taken in as collateral. It is a massive transfer of wealth from the people to banks, Wall Street, insurance companies and elitist corporations.

The nation depends on the dollar for financial stability and yet everyday it is being debauched. Every nation will suffer, but particularly the US and UK. The nations may be trying to replace disappearing assets, but it won’t work. It is just a temporary palliative and in the end the result will be the same. Moving debt and loss of assets from one place to another doesn’t make it go away.

Fortunately free trade, globalization, offshoring and outsourcing are dying an ignoble death. A death well deserved. There are few dangers of returning to protectionism. It has been a US government policy from 1800 to 1980 and it has been quite successful. You might say in time America will return to normality. We already see our president talking of buying American. British PM Gordon Brown is deliberately competitively devaluing the pound. Mr. Sarkozy in France is subsidizing the vehicle industry as is the US and Japan and just about everyone has a stimulus plan. This is extremely good news for Americans. Now we can again control our own destiny and not be at the mercy of transnational elitist conglomerates, who make 40% of their profits by manufacturing outside our country, importing those goods and then keeping their profits offshore to avoid 33% taxation.

This means WTO will have lost its teeth and NAFTA and CAFTA will die slow deaths. The G-20 meeting this summer will turn into a donnybrook as any pretense of free trade disappears as solutions to worldwide depression is short term. Unemployment by summer will be 20% in the US, 13% in Europe and in the second and third worlds much higher. It won’t be long and everyone will be a protectionist. All will be serving domestic markets to avoid collapse. All nations, some more than others, are facing a crisis of historic dominations. We see the eurozone and European Union breaking apart and there is even a possibility that the United States of America may no longer exist. You can’t imagine how nasty this is going to be.

The seeds have been planted. Mr. Sarkozy of France blames the Anglo-American business model, and wants to limit businesses’ relocation from country to country. Gordon Brown in England wants job priority for British workers ahead of foreigners, including EU citizens. The Chinese want out of the dollar as Mr. Obama prepares an offensive against China’s human rights and trade tactics. Russia blames the US for the crisis and rightly so.

The degenerative process in this phase of disintegration began in June of 2002. That was the point of no return when interest rates began to be lowered and when money and credit was expanded to smother deflation. This time the end of free trade will expedite the process over the next two years.

2009 should begin more accelerated disintegration of the international financial system. 2009 could be the big year of the crash, but it will take a little longer we believe – perhaps 2010 or 2011 – we’ll see.

We see wishful thinking in Europe and Canada. They expect to fare better than the US. That will not be the case European banks are as insolvent as US banks if not more so. Germany’s government, but not the people, wants the eurozone to stay together. More than 70% of Germans want out. They are sick and tired of supporting the rest of the zone, especially Italy, Spain and Ireland, which for all intents and purposes are broke. France stumbles along in an insular manner, while selling off its gold. Then there are the Eastern European debt problems, which Western Europe has to cover. The Swiss are not under pressure. They are concerned about the franc rising in value not falling in value. Canada ships 80% or more of exports to the US. The US is in depression and Canada and Mexico will soon follow. Worldwide trade is about to come to a virtual halt and that means all of the above are in serious trouble. The G7 and G20 talks might just as well be called off – it’s now everyone for himself. You must have 85% to 100% of assets in gold and silver related assets. If you have not done that do it now with gold close to $1,000 an ounce and silver close to $15.00. This is only the beginning of phase two of at least four phases upward in prices. The only way you can financially survive is with these two assets. Everything else will fall 60% to 95%. This depression will be far worse than the “Great Depression.” The fear of fiat paper money is spreading worldwide.

Europeans do not think the crisis will be over anytime soon. They see no visible hope of leadership from the G7 or G20, and only 12% believe the US has a solution. Over 85% believe their political leadership does not reflect their views, expectations, nor a grasp of the crisis at hand. Only 39% believe interest rates should be reduced further. The political and financial interests in Europe are no more responsive than they are in the US. That means eventually the public will be forced to do something about it. That means Europe and Canada will have the same problems as the US. No one is going to escape this one.

For those of you who missed it the Dow Jones removed all stocks in the industrial average priced under $10.00, effectively eliminating the crippled financial sector. Had they been left in the Dow would be lower and would have broken down below 7286. This is just more flagrant manipulation. Almost every day we see it in a number of markets. This week the Fed and the Treasury tried to push the stock market up and the commodities and gold and silver markets down but to no avail. Downside stock market volume has been some 65% of total volume and there are over 300 new lows almost every day.

President Barack Obama's new foreclosure-prevention plan is already sparking outrage from some Americans who won't qualify for federal aid -- and from those who resent having to foot the bill for those who do…"The government isn't out there to help people who obey the law and follow the rules."

Mr. Obama "told everybody, 'I'm going to spread wealth around,' and that's what he's going to do," Mr. Newton said.

The housing measures have also upset a range of homeowners who say they shouldn't have to subsidize those who bought more than they could afford. "We've lived a conservative life," said Tim O'Brien, 61, a retired CPA from Los Angeles. "We've paid our house off and saved our money, so you kind of find yourself on this issue not agreeing with everything."

The 30-and-out retirement program persists -- a sacred part of the inflated cost structure that makes it unprofitable for Detroit to make small cars in America. Another example: Every Detroit factory still has dozens of union committeemen -- the bargaining committee, shop committee, health and safety committee, recreation committee, etc. -- who actually are paid by the car companies. This is a "legacy cost" that the nonunion Japanese, German and Korean car factories in America don't have to carry.

The union, though, shouldn't bear the entire blame for Detroit's disaster. It wasn't the UAW that pushed GM into the home-mortgage market where it has incurred billions in losses over the last couple of years. Nor can the UAW be blamed for Saturn and Saab, two brands that never made money, as GM executives have recently acknowledged. What they haven't explained is why their company would keep these money-losers around for nearly 20 years.

Southern California -- with home prices now at 2002 levels and falling -- is at the start of what is likely to be a long period of relatively affordable housing, economists and housing market analysts say.

Home prices are now below their historical average compared with incomes, putting them within reach of more people than they have been since about 2000, several studies show.
But that doesn't mean prices will stop falling soon, especially if jobs continue to vanish at their current pace.

After soaring during this decade's housing bubble, home prices recently fell back in line with what people earn -- and then kept falling.

The January median sales price for Southern California homes fell to $250,000, a 40% drop from the same month a year prior, the San Diego real estate research firm MDA DataQuick reported Thursday. The price decline was accelerated by foreclosures, which accounted for 60% of sales last month.

Prices have now dipped below the level at which they'd be in line with the historical ratio of prices to incomes in California, said Christopher Thornberg, a Los Angeles economist who is principal of the consulting firm Beacon Economics.

Thornberg estimates the current median home value in California is $250,000. But wages are high enough -- and interest rates low enough -- that a median value of $290,000 would match historical norms, he said.

"If you're looking for a long-run opportunity, real estate is getting to that point," said Thornberg, who was an early predictor of the housing crash.

But it's not at that point yet. Thornberg believes home prices have another 25% to 30% to drop. They may be historically low, but "in the past four or five months, unemployment has been through the roof," Thornberg said.

Fearing for their jobs, many potential home buyers are putting off a purchase. Others simply can't buy anything because they are already out of work.
Thornberg forecasts that California home prices will fall until the middle of 2010, when they will begin to slowly creep up

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Ayam Menang, Kampung Tergadai?

Mungkin kita semua telah arif dengan alkisah Ayam Menang Kampung tergadai dek kebodohan seorang yang bernama Pak Pandir. Rupanya di zaman ini banyak juga Pandir-Pandir di kalangan kita.

Tetapi yang pelik bagi aku ialah bila Pakatan menuduh BN pandir , mereka juga tidak segan silu mempamerkan kepandiran mereka.

Aku merujuk kepada tindakan speaker DUN Perak yang menggantung MB Perak Dato Dr Zambry Abdul Kadir serta barisan Exco beliau. Tindakan ini bukan sahaja tidak mengikut perlembagaan malah tindakan sebegini tidak ada didalam perlembagaan!.

Mereka menuduh tindakan DYMM Sultan Perak tidak mengikut perlembagaan . Hakikatnya tindakan DYMM Sultan membuat tindakan sebegini adalah mengikut intepretasi beliau yang arif didalam Undang Tubuh Negeri Perak. Peruntukkan perlembagaan negeri Perak memberi kuasa kepada Sultan untuk melantik mana-mana pemimpin yang mendapat sokongan majoriti untuk menjadi MB. Walaupun tidak disebut sama ada beliau boleh menitah kepada MB untuk meletak jawatan tetapi interpretasinya adalah disaat MB tidak lagi mendapat sokongan majoriti maka beliau dengan otomatik tidak lagi menepati kehendak undang-undang tubuh Negeri.

Apabila Speaker DUN Perak menggantung MB dan Barisan Exco dari DUNkerana menerima lantikan DiRaja adakah ini bermakna speaker DUN Perak mempunyai kuasa yang melebihi Sultan?

Kita faham bahwa Pakatan sedang cuba menekan Kerajaan supaya membubarkan DUN dan mengadakan pilihanraya baru. Benarlah bahawa keadaan sekarang amat memihak kepada mereka dan mungkin , (diulangi mungkin ) mereka boleh memenangi majoriti untuk membentuk kerajaan. Jika begitu keadaannya mengapa tidak tunggu sahaja PRU 13 dan tunjukkan taring dengan memenagi 2/3 kerusi DUN ( cuma kali ini kena bagi semua ADUN sebuah Toyota Camry tiap seorang).

Pada pendapat aku sikap untuk terus membuat huru hara akan memakan diri sendiri. Mungkinkah tindakan sebegini akan membuka ruang untuk pihak penguasa mengambil tindakan drastik atas alasan keselamatan negara? Ingat Mageran tahun 70an?

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Funny Statement of the month- CITI Bank Says Malaysian Not Saving Enough and need to enhance their financial literacy.

Pardon me dear readers, while this statement means well, I cannot stop laughing at the irony of it all. Pay attention to the last para.

The last time I check, somebody was bailout to the tune of 300 billion (link here). They are all financially literate mind you! But may be they need a refresher course in financial management so that they are more dicipline and has good financial management skill.

have a look at this news by BERNAMA (link here).

According to the Citibank’s Financial Quotient 2008 (Citi Fin-Q) survey, few Malaysians are aware of the benefit of saving and fewer have enough set aside for the future.

Citibank's head of segment and marketing, retail bank, Timothy Johnson said the survey revealed that a majority of Malaysians reported that they saved up to 20 per cent of their monthly income — excluding the 11 per cent in the Employees Provident Fund — and 12 per cent said they don't save anything at all.
"Asked where their monthly income went, 38 per cent reported that less than 10 per cent of it went for non-essentials," he told a media briefing on the findings of the survey today.

The Citi Fin-Q survey comprised 500 online interviews of 40 questions each, rolled out to determine the level of understanding among Malaysians about their personal finances and financial practices.
Johnson said the survey highlighted that Malaysians might not necessarily be prepared to face a financial meltdown should they face job losses or retrenchment.

"Only two in five or 39 per cent of the candidates interviewed actually saved. Less than one in three Malaysians or 28 per cent made and committed to a monthly budget," he said.
"When asked how long their current savings would last in the event of a job loss but with continued regular expenses, one in five indicated it would be for only four weeks," he added.
Johnson said the findings are quite worrying and believed that a lot more needed to be done to ensure Malaysians are truly financial savvy.

To ensure enough savings, Malaysians need to be disciplined and have good financial management.

"I believe Malaysians should provide additional focus on developing and enhancing their level of financial literacy, more so given the current challenging environment," he added. — Bernama

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Meanwhile the Nation Continue to Slide....

While some of us sees the coming by election as divine intervention , so that they can finally prove who among them are the politician of choice , I see the upcoming election as an unnecessary distraction from our main task. That is to steer this country safely out of the impending economic tsunami that is about to hit our shores. We bicker endlessly, while the fire engulfing the world is spreading far and wide.

The continuous bickering will split the nation, dividing us further and taking our attention away from the real and present danger. Then come the by election. Another weeks of endless accusations and counter accusations, another weeks of empty rhetoric by both divide.

While we busy ourselves deciding and demanding who among us should be stripped off their citizenship and who should be banished while conveniently forgetting that we ourselves are guilty of the same conduct one too many times, the country slide ever deeper into the unknown. While we busy ourselves with who committed derhaka and who do not

While other countries have taken steps to soften the impact of unprecedented world financial and economic collapse, we pretend that every thing will be OK and went back to sleeping mode. We continue doing what we do best, that is to bicker among us. We convinced ourselves that we have done enough and nothing out of ordinary shall happen.

While we have the luxury of bickering about different ideology and interpretion of the rule of law, we forgot that if we are not careful, the day will come where we will have to fight for food to put on our table. When that day finally come, the rule of law will take a backseat. When people go hungry, no home to go to, no cloth to put on. no rule of law will apply except law of survival.

I would like to call upon BN and Pakatan to stop all this nonsense and start discussing ways and means to prepare the nation for the impact of the coming collapse. From what i gather its not going to be routine cyclical downturn, it is going to be nasty and it is going to be bad. Europe is facing Iceland style of bancruptcy with Britain as the main candidate (link here). China already admit that its going to hit them hard (link here). Singapore has admitted that they are in the worst recession ever (link here). One of my Singaporean friend on visit here commented that Malaysian seem so content and not worry a bit about world economy heading south. Oh yes that is because we busy ourself with BN and Pakatan!

Be Prepared for worldwide food shortage

To compound this problem the world is facing food crisis. this is due to combining factors, notably a) Severe drought in USA, China and Australia and South America- The world major agriculture producer b) Credit crunch makes it harder for farmers to get loan to start new operation c) Rising cost of fertlizer

The world is heading for a huge drop in agriculture products output , estimated to be about 40%!. (Read it all here). If this happen as predicted, we are in for a really rude shock.

In the meantime, sleep well my dear friend...


Thursday, February 12, 2009

UMNO- For the Good of The Country Stop Dragging our Royals into Partisan Politics.

I think all political parties especially UMNO should stop using our monarch as political pawn to win support (click here) . If you support the Royals, just send them a postcard!. Tell them how much you like /admire/ support, what ever. But please dont turn the issue into political platform for the Calons to garner votes.

Our Sultan should be apolitical in every respects, and every body should respect their neutrality. He should be respected by all so that his deeds or words can be seen as neutral and accepted by all party. The moment he is seen as partisan, his words and deeds shall not be respected and accepted as can be seen in the recent fiasco. If you want them to be unifying symbol he has no choice but to be a political. So that he can be seen as a fair and balance referee.

UMNO has it own share of 'disloyalty' and its history with the Royals are not squeaky clean. So the best way to show 'undivided loyalty' is to just leave the Royals alone.


2009 Prediction by Gerald Celente

The following are the full transcript of interview between Russian Today and Gerald Celenter of Trend Research Institute ( link here) .
Gerald Celente

In 2009 we’re going to see the worst economic collapse ever, the ‘Greatest Depression’, says Gerald Celente, U.S. trend forecaster. He believes it’s going to be very violent in the U.S., including there being a tax revolt.

RT: The fragile U.S. economy has been met with bank bailouts and stimulus plans. So what’s to come in 2009? Joining me now to answer that question is Gerald Celente, founder and director of the Trends Research Institute. Thank you for joining me.

GC: My pleasure.

RT: How would you define the economic trend that you have forecasted for 2009?

G.C.: We’re going to see the economic collapse the likes of which the world has never seen before. It’s not only in the United States; it’s going global. At the end of 2008 we saw Christmas retail sales: women’s apparel down 23%; home furnishings and electronics off 27%; luxury items down 35%. These are Depression Era collapses. We saw major bankruptcies, such as retailers Circuit City and Linens and Things. One bankruptcy after another. Then we saw store closings. Starbucks, Home D&D Power and down the line.

The question becomes who is going to take all of the vacant retail space? Who is going to rent it? The answer is - nobody. Now we look at the financial collapse in 2008, we saw the Merrill Lynch mob go under the bed and the Lehman boys went bankrupt. You saw bond companies, brokerage firms, and banks go belly up. Who is going to rent all the vacant commercial business space that they used to occupy? The answer is - nobody. The commercial real estate collapse that’s going to happen in 2009 is going to dwarf the residential real estate collapse.

RT: You use the Great Depression as an analogy, as a comparison. During the Great Depression unemployment was 25%. Now it has increased, it’s I think over 7.2. Is that number going to get much, much bigger?

G.C.: We have to look at the real number. There are two sets of books that the government keeps. When they measure up unemployment they don’t add in the people who are no longer looking for jobs because they have become discouraged since they cannot find employment after looking so long. And they don’t include part-time workers. When you put that number into it, the number is 13.7%. And that’s a government number. And this is just beginning. And again, current events form future trends. What did we see? We saw in one day some 61,000 jobs evaporate off the map. You’re going to see Great Depression numbers. Because, as I mentioned, with this commercial real estate collapse, all of these retail stores closing, like Starbucks and Macy’s, you go down the line. You look not only at people who work for these places that no longer have jobs, but how about all the supportive industries - the advertising, the manufacturers, the products. They’re going to be laying off people as well. We’re going to see Great Depression numbers. In that effect, this is going to be worse than the Great Depression.

RT: What are we going to see happening to the society, to people’s day-to-day lives in terms of how they treat one another, how they behave, crime?

G.C.: When I say it’s going to be worse than the Great Depression, we call it the Greatest Depression. By the way, to be using 1930s models to get the U.S. out of this is really stupid. Back then when we first crashed most people didn’t have homes. There was no such thing as home equity loan. And back then, people didn’t have credit cards. The consumer wasn’t 14 trillion dollars in debt. We had a manufacturing base that built the world out of the Great Depression following World War Two. We no longer have that. Now people are at the edge. They’re stressed out. Look, the Americans are the most depressed nation on the world already. They take more antidepressant drugs than anybody, plus the other kinds of drugs that they are taking. You’re going to see crime levels in America that are going to rival the third world. Welcome Mexico City. You’re going to start seeing people being kidnapped in this country like they do in other underdeveloped nations. So it’s going to be very violent in America.

RT: You’re not exaggerating?

G.C.: I’m not exaggerating, the facts are there. I have a saying: when people lose everything and they have nothing to lose, they lose it. You’re going to see people saying, off with their heads. There’s going to be another revolution in this country.

RT: When will this revolution that you have forecasted in your Trends journal happen and what will ignite it?

G.C.: It’s going to be a tax revolt. We’re going to start seeing a tax revolt in the United States. People are one job away from losing everything. We’re seeing more and more closures, people are being laid off. People are stretched to the limits. And what do they do in New York State? Some130 new taxes are being proposed, they’re raising sales taxes. There’s going to be a tax revolt in this country from property taxes first and school taxes second. That’s what we’re going to see start to happen.

RT: Do you feel people are not hopeful that Obama will make a difference?

G.C.: People are hopeful, they are desperate and they are fearful. And they’ll hang on to anything. Let’s look at the facts. A man of change, who did he bring into Washington? You know they say by their deeds you shall know them. Let’s look at his Treasury Secretary, Timothy Geithner, former Robert Rubin from the Clinton administration, the former president of the New York Federal Reserve Bank. Change? How about Larry Summers, the former Clinton Secretary of Treasury? I mean, I’ve been around a long time. I never remember a newly elected president bringing in basically the national security team from the last administration who happen to be from another party.

RT: Do you not think Obama’s different in any way?

G.C.: By their deeds you shall know them! If I bring in a baseball hitter that strikes out every time and I want him to play in the World Series is he going to hit the ball over the fence? They brought in Larry Summers, Timothy Geithner. Look at the crew. Look who they are. They’re strike out artists, every one of them. The only thing that they know how to do is not to get their finger nails dirty.

RT: There was a sentence in your report, the Trends Journal, that really caught my attention. You wrote: ‘On 9/11, those who listened to the authorities and returned to their offices went down with the towers.’ So are you saying that Americans should not be listening to the officials who are saying the Stimulus Plans are going to make everything better? Is that the analogy?

G.C.: Read my lips. No new taxes. I didn’t have sex with that woman, Monica Lewinski. I smoked but I didn’t inhale. Saddam Hussein has weapons of mass destruction and ties to Al-Qaeda. Why would anybody believe these people?

RT: So what are Americans supposed to do if they’re not supposed to trust their leaders?

G.C.: Personally, I buy gold. And I’ve been talking about gold since the Trends Journal 2001. We peg the bottom and we said it would start going up at 275. Number two, you don’t spend a dime you don’t need to spend.

RT: What would be the good jobs to benefit from in this year?

G.C.: Anything having to do with health. Anything. It’s going to be a growth industry. And fortunately a lot of them are going to pay a lot of money in that field because a lot of that is going to be care for the elderly. And the other thing really is anything having to do with conservation engineers, anything that’s going to prove technologically sound and smart to save money and to make money.

RT: What about geopolitics, what trends are we going to see in terms of the relationships between the United States and the rest of the world?

G.C.: Well the rest of the world is very hopeful, using the word ‘hope’, with the Obama administration. And again, we’re going to have to see what transpires, but so far, and again, by their deeds you shall know them. Obama, when he first started to run, he was going to be out of Iraq. As soon as he became president he was going to start bringing soldiers home. Now they won’t be out for 16 months and now their reports say they’re going to bring upwards of 40,000 more troops to Afghanistan. He was also talking about preventive strikes in Pakistan. So it really doesn’t look like it’s going to be much of a smoothing of geopolitical relations. The one factor we’re looking at, at a time that could only be the worst time for it to happen, is what’s going on in the Middle East, in the Israel-Gaza war. Israel, as they said, they were trying to do as the reports have come out, if they attack Iran at any level, it will begin World War Three. Because if this war spreads beyond Gaza, it’s going to inflame the Middle East. It can cause an oil crisis as we saw in 1973, that’s what ended the Arab-Israeli war when they embargoed oil going into the U.S. That’s our major concern. We’re also seeing, and we’re going to wonder, if Obama continues with putting the so-called missile defense shield in Poland and in Czech Republic in Eastern Europe and if they keep pushing more and more into Georgia. If that keeps happening we’re going to see a reignition of the Cold War.

RT: You have been trend casting since 1980, more than two decades. How do you compile your information and why do you believe you’ve been so spot-on most of the time?

G.C.: Current events form future trends. You can see what’s going on. A great scholar said, “In today already walks tomorrow.” So we say current events form future trends. But when people look at the trends, they colour them or shade them with their own ideology, their own beliefs. It’s what they want, what they hope for, what they wish for.I’m a political atheist. I look at things for the way they are, not the way I want them to be. I don’t colour them or try to change them because of an ideology. The other major factor that we do differently at Trends Research Institute than anywhere else is we look at over 300 different categories on a global basis. So we’re looking at economics, we’re looking at politics, we’re looking at changes in the family, we’re looking at geopolitics. We’re making connections between different fields continually.

RT: How can America get out of the situation?

G.C.: All you have to do is to look back to the 1990s when America entered into a recession. We had 7.2 unemployment rate in 1993. What got the U.S. out of the 1990s recession was something called the ‘internet revolution’ that had a productive capacity. Products were invented, designed, manufactured, marketed and serviced. So you’re asking about new jobs, ask about alternative energies. Anything that’s going to advance the U.S. into the 21st century in an intelligent way. That’s where the job opportunities are going to be.

RT: Gerald Celente, founder of the Trends Research Institute, thank you very much for taking time to speak with us.

G.C.: My pleasure.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Sementara masih ada

Sementara masih ada kasih sayang ini
hargailah ia dengan kejujuran
sirami ia dengan kesetiaan sejati
kerna ia yang menjadi tali yang mengikat

Sementara masih ada persahabatan ini
hargailah ia dengan ketulusan
sahabat yang menemani mu sepanjang jalan kehidupan
tidak dia membiarkan mu kehausan atau kelaparan
berkongsi ia apa yang ada didalam kantung yang dipikulnya
suaranya menemani mu membelah lelah kehidupan
nasihatnya bekalan abadi

Sementara masih ada tanah ini
walau hanya sekangkang kera
lindungilah ia dengan raga mu
telah bersumpah nenek moyang dahulu
dengan darah dan nyawa
harga maruah bangsa yang semakin pupus

Sementara masih ada kedaulatan ini
hargailah ia dengan seluruh kehidupan mu
kau tidak akan tahu betapa bernilai amat
sehingga engkau kehilangannya

Selagi rahmat yang Tuhan kurniakan belum putus
telah disediakan untuk semua makhluk
apa-apa yang tersurat untuknya
oleh itu
janganlah bertelagah atas Namanya
janganlah memecahbelah atas hakNya
jangan berkhianat atas nikmatNya
jangan mengambil lebih dari apa yang sepatutnya
jangan meminta apa yang bukan milik mu

Sementara semua ini masih ada
kerana ia umpama kepak sang rama-rama
indah tetapi rapuh

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Mohd Nizar - Khalifah yang tidak berakal

Impak tunjuk perasaan sekumpulan orang Melayu dari Parti Islam tempoh hari masih didebatkan baik di media arus utama mau pun di gerbang maya.

Impak tunjuk perasaan tersebut sangat signifikan dalam kontek hubungan orang Melayu dengan Sultan-Sultan Melayu. Jika selama ini terdapat riak-riak tidak berpuas hati dengan gelagat Sultan-Sultan Melayu namun ia tidak pernah dimanifestasikan sedemikian rupa. Tunjuk perasaan yang dilakukan diluar batas adab beraja masyarakat Melayu.

Tetapi perlu diingat demostrasi menentang keputusan Sultan -Sultan ini bukan baru berlaku dan bukan dilakukan oleh PAS sahaja. Masihkah kita ingat dengan kain rentang-kain rentang yang dipasang di Kuala Terengganu sebaik sahaja PRU 12 akibat penolakkan Idris Jusoh sebagai MB?.

Namun begitu tunjuk perasaan menentang keputusan Paduka Baginda Sutan Perak di Kuala Kangsar ini unik kerana ia melibatkan keganasan oleh sekumpulan orang melayu. Kumpulan ini mempertahankan seorang pemimpin mereka dengan cara yang tidak sivil. Ini rasanya belum pernah berlaku dalam sejarah Negeri Perak malah di Malaysia.
Apakah Parti PAS boleh memberi alasan bahawa itu hanya pengikut mereka yang terbawa-bawa oleh perasaan dan tiada arahan dari pemimpin atasan utuk berdemonstasi? Aku rasa alasan tu tidak kukuh kerana pemimpin mereka YB Dato Seri Ir Hj Mohd Nizar sendiri dengan angkuhnya masih menduduki rumah rasmi MB dan terus mengadakan mesyuarat Exco malah memberi kenyataan akhbar akan terus datang bertugas Selasa nanti. Bukankah itu keengkaran yang nyata?

Apakah imej yang hendak dibawa oleh Parti Islam ini. Jika selama ini mereka menuduh UMNO sebagai itu/ini (tak payah disenaraikan banyak sangat) tetapi mereka melakukan perkara yang sama, malah lebih bebal lagi? Bukan kah sikap sebegini akan menyukarkan mereka mentadbir Perak pada masa hadapan (jika dizinkan tuhan). Imej mereka mungkin meningkat dikalangan orang bukan Melayu/bukan Islam, tetapi audien sebenar mereka adalah Melayu/Islam.

Bukankah seorang intelek seperti Mohd Nizar mampu berfikir panjang? My dear brother you may lost the battle but you have a war to fight. You have another day to fight your battle. Baru diuji Allah sedikit dah melalok tak tentu pasal.

Ir Dato Seri Mohd Nizar perlulah sedar bahawa he is not holding his MB position on his own merit. He is there because DAP allowed him to be there. Infact when the time is right ( I mean when they finally acknowledge, they need a Malay Adun with them), you think they will let PAS be the MB?

Sebenarnya hujah bahawa kerajaan BN tidak mengikut kehendak rakyat adalah tidak benar sama sekali. BN yang diterajui UMNO mempunyai 28 kerusi, sama seperti Pakatan, congaklah sendiri maksud tidak diterima rakyat tadi. Malah UMNO mempunyai 27 kerusi iaitu yang terbanyak dintara parti-parti yang menang!. Jadi dimana merit hujah-hujah yang berkenaan?

Hakikatnya PAS lah merupakan parti yang tidak diterima rakyat Perak. Mereka hanya menang 6 kerusi sahaja itu bermakna PAS bukan suara orang Melayu Islam di Perak! sedor yop sedor!

Oleh yang demikian aku menyeru YB Ir Dato Seri Mohd Nizar supaya tidak melanjutkan penentangan beliau terhadap keputusan DYMM Sultan Perak sebab semakin lama beliau menunjukkan sikap biadap beliau semakin beliau akan menghadapi kesukaran memenagi hati rakyat Melayu Perak.
Kepada pemimpin PAS Pusat berhentilah dari menjadi hipokrit. Hentikan semua penentangan yang tidak menguntungkan ini. Berhenti memalukan Paduka Tuanku. Tuan-tuan kena ingat bahawa tuan-tuan masih perlu mengadap Paduka Sultan jika sekiranya tuan-tuan berkuasa kelak.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Melayu yang Tolol

Aku tak tahu sama ada nak tertawa atau nak menangis.
Aku rasa nak tertawa sebab yang menunjuk perasaan dengan membawa sepanduk di Kuala Kangsar petang tadi adalah sekumpulan orang Melayu/Islam dari sebuah parti Islam yang hanya menang 6 kerusi sahaja didalam PRU yang lalu. Memanglah wakil mereka adalah Menteri Besar, tetapi hakikatnya MB mereka sebenarnya ibarat lembu dicucuk hidung. Mereka tidak membawa agenda untuk memperkasakan Melayu/Islam sebaliknya membawa agenda mengkayakan pasangan mereka semata. Dan mereka seronok sekali dengan keadaan tersebut. Biar ayam menang walaupun kampung tergadai!
Dan aku rasa nak menangis sebab mereka telah dipergunakan untuk memalukan Sultan Melayu!. Aku tidak rasa pasangan mereka berani berdemo sedemikian rupa kerana takut akan tindakbalas orang Melayu yang lain. Lalu dibiarkan orang Melayu sendiri memalukan Sultan mereka sendiri. Inilah hakikat paling menyedihkan.
Tahukah tuan-tuan jika tidak kerana Paduka Baginda berkeras mahukan MB dari golongan Melayu /Islam selepas PRU yang lalu,tuan-tuan telah ber MB kan Ngeh atau Ngor!!!!!!!
Itulah yang berlaku jika kita terlalu taksub dan jumud. Bila hati telah buta dan akal telah mati maka jadilah kita melayu tengin ( bahasa hilir perak).
Hakikatnya DAP telah bertindak untuk meletakkan calonnya sebagai MB, namun terhalang oleh undang-undang tubuh negeri yang menyatakan MB mesti Melayu dan Islam . Diatas dasar itu sahaja YB Dato Seri Nizar dilantik sebagai MB . Bukan diatas jumlah kerusi , dalam kata lain bukan diatas merit!. Jelas DAP sendiri tidak berpuas hati. Mereka hampir memboikot majlis angkat sumpah.
Mungkin tumbangnya Kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat bukan atas dasar demokrasi. Tetapi tuan-tuan jangan lupa Anwar Ibrahim juga cuba menumbangkan Kerajaan Persekutuan dengan cara jalan belakang. Anwarlah yang memulakan kisah lompat melompat ini.
Sebenarnya mudah sahaja nak selesaikan masalah ini...tunggu sahaja PRU 13 dan buat perhitungan di kotak undi. Sementara itu, berilah peluang kepada UMNO yang MENANG 27 kerusi (terbanyak diantara semua parti)-ini menunjukkan mereka mendapat sokongan hampir 50% itu menjalankan tugas mereka sehingga ada lagi adengan katak-katak melompat.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Bubarkan DUN Perak

Dikhabarkan Datuk Seri Anwar sering mengalami perut memulas jika beliau tertekan (tension). Jika begitu keadaannya , aku percaya beliau sekarang ini mungkin sedang mengalami perut memulas atau mungkin dah terkena cirit-birit.

Beliau yang dianggap pakar dalam permainan politik tewas ditangan permainan politik saingan sengit beliau iaitu Datuk Seri Mohd Najib. Beliau terlebih jangka kekuatan PKR maupun kekuatan beliau sendiri. Tapi keadaan di Perak bukan salah percaturan beliau sahaja. PAKATAN di Perak, seperti juga dilain-lain negeri kecuali Kelantan dan Pulau Pinang sememangnya bagai retak menanti belah.

Pengundi-pengundi menjangkakan apabila PAKATAN memerintah, akan terdapat satu anjakkan yang berbeza dalam gaya dan falsafah pentadbiran, tetapi sebaliknya apa yang ditonjolkan adalah sikap tamak dan haloba dengan gerakkan tersusun untuk merampas tanah (land grab) dan kuasa serta sikap sombong. Selain menukar kereta dari PROTON ke CAMRY, tiada perubahan drastik yang berlaku didalam pentadbiran mereka. Mereka lupa bahawa majoriti pengundi Perak adalah orang-orang Melayu dan sikap membelakangkan Melayu ini amat merugikan. Tetapi Kaduk kalau dah naik junjung memang begitulah sikapnya.

Walau bagaimanapun secara peribadi aku berpendapat melompat-lompat parti ini kerja tidak bermaruah. Ini kerja opotunis yang tidak berpendirian. Jika sikap ini membawa padah kepada PAKATAN, padah yang sama juga akan menjengah BN. Keadaan di Perak tetap retak menanti belah.

Bayangkan kesukaran untuk melantik EXCO kerana wakil bukan melayu hampir semuanya dari DAP. Jika ini berlaku kerajaan yang bakal dilantik tidak mempunyai kredibliti yang mampan.

Oleh yang demikian aku menyarankan bahawa DUN Perak sepatutnya dibubarkan bagi membolehkan rakyat membuat pilihan dan sekali gus bagi membolehkan UMNO/BN menyusun satu barisan yang lebih baik. Orang yang pertama perlu disingkirkan dari menjadi wakil ialah katak pengkhianat dari BOTA!.

Apapun keadaannya kita perlu prihatin kepada masalah yang lebih besar yang sedang melanda negara kita. Tsunami ekonomi sedang menghampiri kita dengan pantas. Aku secara peribadi amat sedar kepada keadaan yang bakal berlaku ini. Itu sebab banyak posting aku lebih menekankan kepada kegawatan ekonomi global sebab survival orang-orang Melayu banyak bergantung kepada sejauh mana negara mampu menghadapi gelombang yang ganas ini.

Kita tak mahu masa depan anak-anak kita menjadi tidak menentu kerana kita terlalu banyak bermain politik. Biarkan Anwar dengan sikap gahnya itu, banyak diantara kita sudah dapat melihat belang beliau dan mendapati belangnya sama sahaja dengan orang-orang yang dikritiknya.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

US Urges IRAN To Become 'Productive' Member of The World

This has to be the funniest statement yet from the new Secretary of State Mdm Hillary Clinton. Of course I would expect more of such statement/s shall come out from her ( click here). What would you expect of the biggest bully who pretend they still rule the neighbourhood.

What does she mean by 'Productive'? Kow towing to the whims and fancies of the US, Israel and EU? Stopping all nuclear related activities regardless as to whether it was for peaceful purpose or not? Stopping all missilles development? Stopping sending sattelite into orbit?

The Iranian government has the responsibility to protect itself from outside threat and it has the responsibilty to develop itself to the best of her ability. The Iranian government need to protect its people, its resources from outside plunderer. That is a productive goverment. If they don't, the fate of Iraq awaits them. This they fully understand.

The US government should stop pretending that they are the 'beacon' of freedom and democracy. This is one government that never respect freedom and democracy. Not if it not according to their wish anyway.

There are so many documented misadventure of covert operation carried out by this rogue nation to takedown lawfully elected government all over the world that is not toeing their line, including in Iran.

Iran has also been accused of sponsoring terrorism but the biggest sponsor of terrorism is the United State itself. The biggest irony is that they have unleashed untold amount of horror and terror in the name of war against terror (click here). But yet the consider it just and justified.

They blame religion extremist who killed in the name of GOD yet they have President who heard GOD voices! and now they are going to teamed up with GOD chosen people to send second wave of global war on terror (click here).

Mdm Secretary is fully aware that the most unproductive and the most destructive country in the world is the country she is representing.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Belang UMNO,PKR dan PAS sama sahaja

Pergolakkan poltik mutakhir ini, yang melibatkan PKR dan UMNO sebenarnya mununjukkan semua ahli politik, baik berideologi nasionalis, sosialis atau agama sebenarnya sama sahaja. Ideologi tersebut tidak lebih hanya 'platform' untuk bermain politik sahaja. Bila terdesak belang mereka semua terkeluar dan akhirnya belang UMNO, PKR, DAP dan PAS sama sahaja. Maka rakyat merhaen yang beriya-iya menjulang sepanduk pun terpinga-pinga.

Aku menjangkakan apabila Barisan Rakyat dapat memerintah beberapa buah negeri ada perbezaan yang nyata dari segi dasar dan pendekatan akan dibuat bagi menunjukkan atau bagi membuktikan asas ideologi mereka. Pemerintahan yang adil dan saksama, telus dan tidak merugikan negeri atau rakyat. Pentadbiran dimana rakyat bukan sahaja boleh memberi maklum balas tetapi maklum balas diambil kira dalam pentadbiran.

Pentadbiran dimana tidak dibezakan pengundi sama ada pengundi BN atau BR. Tidak ada unsur balas dendam, unsur rasuah atau apa-apa sahaja yang mereka kritik semasa pemerintahan BN dahulu.

Tetapi tidak sampaipun beberapa lama belang sebenar mereka telah terserlah. Bahawa belang mereka dan belang BN adalah sama. Aku berikan beberapa contoh;

1. Terdapat satu bentuk 'silent rule' bahawa semua kontrak kecil di semua majlis perbandaran perlu lah diberi kepada syarikat 'Bukan UMNO'. Aku dapat tahu perkara ini ketika berbual dengan seorang 'broker' (Ya..mereka pun pakai broker beb, macam UMNO). Dan mereka punya cara tersendiri untuk memastikan bahawa samada syarikat yang berjaya adalah milik orang UMNO atau tidak.

2. Tahu tak mereka bahawa banyak pemilik syarikat yang kononnya milik UMNO ini mengundi pembangkang semasa PRU 12 dahulu? aku kenal banyak pemilik syarikat sebegini, yang turut berkempen untuk PKR. Satu contoh nyata ialah satu syarikat katerer kesukaan Dato' Zulhasanan Rafique yang selalu dapat bisnis katering UMNO Setiawangsa berkempen untuk PKR sewaktu PRU yang lepas.

3. Dizaman BN dahulu tidak terdapat syarat mesti syarikat UMNO untuk dapat kontrak. aku kenal ada banyak pemilik syarikat yang pro PKR/PAS dapat kontrak/projek .

4. Pemimpin Barisan Rakyat juga makan komisen! tak percaya? aku cedok sedikit dari tulisan MSO

Yang menghairankan kenapa untuk pilihan raya kecil melibat PKR boleh dibantu tetapi tidak dengan Pas? Mungkin pemimpin ini bebas menggunakan wangnya. Namun beliau kena ingat beliau berada di kerusinya sekarang ini bukan kerana orang PKR yang menyokong tetapi kerana orang Pas menyokongnya. Wang 'komisyen' yang dipunggut dari berbagai sumber itu tidak akan hadir kalau bukan kerana kedudukan itu.

selanjutnya klik disini -tajuk posting Terkenang Kuala 2

Jadi kesimpulannya belang mereka semua sama, tidak ada ideologi yang membezakakan bila tiba bab wang dan isi perut. Berak mereka tetap busuk...

Ada yang sanggup dicucuk hidung asal dapat jadi MB, ada yang dulu berkobar-kobar bila berbicara tentang kepandaian mentadbir syarikat korporat sekarang tergagap-gagap bila ditanya tentang penyelewengan yang dibuatnya.

Mungkin benar penyakit -penyakit ini berasal dari UMNO, tetapi takkan orang-orang yang mengaku menentang UMNO kerana penyakit-penyakit ini sudah terjangkit?