Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Marwa El Sharbini - The Icon of Europe Fear and Hypocrysy

Marwa was killed because of who she was (click here). She was brutally murdered because she was a Muslim. She was hated so much because she covered herself as Muslim women should be.
Ironicaly, head scarves were seen as symbol of women opression in the west. Yet she was brutally murdered by a member of a society who supposed to liberate people like her. The poor women was 3 months pregnant. She was stabbed 18 times by the very terrorist who harrased her months before. To compound the tragedy it was her husband that was shot by the court bailif because they thought the husband was the attacker and the bloody white male was actually trying to save her. Isn't that ethnic profiling already?. All men with beard must be Al Qeda or something. Should we call the man a christian extremist? white terorrist, yes?. No, our supposed liberators dont like that.
Marwa is a symbol of Europe's fear. They fear her because she did not want to be liberated. She want to be 'opressed' under the bloody hijab and head scarves. A nation that proud of their tolerance and freedom of expression suddenly finds no words of comfort to offer for this incident.
The silence is deafening. It makes me pening!
Alfatihah buat Marwa.


Anonymous said...

Al-Fatihah buat Marwa.

Semoga pembunuhnya dicabut nyawa secepat mungkin. Hukuman mati ke atas pembunuhnya adalah paling setimpal.
Amin..amin..ya Rabbal a'lamin.


Salam sdra Zaidi, Malang sekali tiada hukuman mati di Jerman. Apa yang berlaku mendedahkan kita kepada satu hakikat yang jarang diperkatakan. Eropah kini dibanjiri oleh Umat Islam yang kelihatan 'berlainan'. Mereka berpegang kepada adat da budaya Islam dan ini dilihat sebagai satu ancaman kepada tradisi kristian eropah.

Jika kita hendak mengislamkan eropah kita kini ada satu strategi baru. Banjiri eropah dengan pendatang Islam.

Anonymous said...

Maksud saya hukuman mati mengejut dari Tuhan melalui malaikat...hukuman yang boleh dijatuhi walaupun di bulan. Entah2 dah jatuh hukum semalam? Dalam sehari berapa ramai orang dijatuhi hukum?

Secara teorinya Pengislaman Eropah boleh...melalui dakwah & peti undi (demografi). Tanah Melayu dulunya pun 100% Islam tetapi ramai kafir didatangkan khas dan ramai pula mukmin dikafirkan. Harapnya mukmin yang migrate ke sana beriman waja...kalau tidak mereka pula yang dikafirkan. Tengok aje lah anak-anak Melayu sekarang yang balik dari 'oversea'. Bukan semua la.