Sesiapa nak tgk model komputer Radiasi Radioaktif dari Fukushima sila klik link ini.
Kalau ikut model komputer ini radiasi ini telah sampai ke Sabah pada 26 Mac lalu!
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Saturday, March 26, 2011
UMNO Terkedu?
Salah seorang dari Trio Datuk T adalah seorang ahli Majlis Tertinggi UMNO. Beliau juga merupakan merupakan seorang pengerusi salah satu agensi Kerajaan. Oleh yang demikian segala tindak tanduknya mencerminkan (reflective) siapa atau apa yang diwakilinya. Memandangkan beliau adalah pembesar UMNO dan dilantik untuk memimpin agensi Kerajaan UMNO, natijahnya segala tindakan akan membabitkan UMNO dan agensi tersebut. Tambahan dikhabarkan bilik di Carcosa Seri Negara ditempah menggunakan kapasiti beliau sebagai Pengerusi Agensi tersebut.
Tindakan beliau menayangkan video lucah di sebuah hotel yang mempunyai sejarah tersendiri dengan tempahan menggunakan pangkat beliau sebagai Pengerusi Agensi tersebut tidak boleh tidak menampakan bahawa tindakan ini mempunyai kaitan dengan UMNO. Sepanjang yang aku ingat dalam tempoh beberapa hari ini tidak ada kenyataan rasmi dari Ketua Penerangan UMNO menafikan pembabitan UMNO. Hanya kenyataan dari Menteri Dalam Negeri yang menafikan pembabitna anggota polis dan Kenyataan Perdana Menteri yang Kerajaan (bukan UMNO) tidak terbabit dalam isu ini.
Diam bererti RELA? Ini lah yang menjadi masalah utama UMNO, mereka keliru dengan kompas moral mereka. Hampir semuanya duduk ditepi gelanggang tidak berani bersuara dan membiarkan pemimpin utama terkial-kial menepis satu demi satu bala yang datang.
UMNO sepatutnya menjauhkan diri sebaik sahaja identiti Datuk T dibongkar dan UMNO sepatutnya menunjukkan yang UMNO tidak mahu terlibat dengan isu ini sekalipun ia benar. Jika pun Anwar Ibrahim benar dirakamkan berzina, keuntungan kepada UMNO adalah amat sedikit.
Malang sekali UMNO memilih untuk berdiam diri. Pertembungan Trio Datuk T dan Anwar adalah pertembungan peribadi, namun kini UMNO yang dikaitkan sekalipun bukan UMNO yang menjadi dalang.
Kini UMNO dibalun kiri kanan dan dijadikan kambing hitam oleh puak-puak Anwar. Hanya segelintir pemimpin UMNO bangun melawan dan menerangkan bahawa ini bukan kerja UMNO, tetapi itulah hakikatnya. UMNO perlu belajar untuk membentuk persepsi yang betul di kalangan generasi muda. Generasi muda kini melihat UMNO dengan jelak dan semakin menjauhinya. Bayangkan di Setiwangsa sahaja yang dahulu UMNO menang dengan undi POS berjumlah 8000, kini Pakatan sudah mendaftarkan pengundi baru melebihi 10000, jika begitu keadaaanya maka UMNO akan semakin tersepit.
Dalam keadaan sekarang, jika ada 200 video pun sukar orang ramai nak percaya sebab dalam perang saraf ini masyarakat sudah terlalu tepu maklumat dan sukar untuk membezakan mana salah mana benar. Oleh yang demikian jika BN hendak menyerang Anwar, mereka hendaklah menyerangnya dari sudut lain. Sama juga jika Datuk Seri Najib dikaitkan dengan 200 Al Tantuya lagi, orang ramai sukar hendak percaya. Itu sebab Datuk Seri Najib kini memenangi perang persepsi antara beliau dan Anwar. Dan kini Datuk -Datuk T datang merosakkan semua kerja keras DSN. Hampehhh
Salam untuk pemimpin yang tidur..
Tindakan beliau menayangkan video lucah di sebuah hotel yang mempunyai sejarah tersendiri dengan tempahan menggunakan pangkat beliau sebagai Pengerusi Agensi tersebut tidak boleh tidak menampakan bahawa tindakan ini mempunyai kaitan dengan UMNO. Sepanjang yang aku ingat dalam tempoh beberapa hari ini tidak ada kenyataan rasmi dari Ketua Penerangan UMNO menafikan pembabitan UMNO. Hanya kenyataan dari Menteri Dalam Negeri yang menafikan pembabitna anggota polis dan Kenyataan Perdana Menteri yang Kerajaan (bukan UMNO) tidak terbabit dalam isu ini.
Diam bererti RELA? Ini lah yang menjadi masalah utama UMNO, mereka keliru dengan kompas moral mereka. Hampir semuanya duduk ditepi gelanggang tidak berani bersuara dan membiarkan pemimpin utama terkial-kial menepis satu demi satu bala yang datang.
UMNO sepatutnya menjauhkan diri sebaik sahaja identiti Datuk T dibongkar dan UMNO sepatutnya menunjukkan yang UMNO tidak mahu terlibat dengan isu ini sekalipun ia benar. Jika pun Anwar Ibrahim benar dirakamkan berzina, keuntungan kepada UMNO adalah amat sedikit.
Malang sekali UMNO memilih untuk berdiam diri. Pertembungan Trio Datuk T dan Anwar adalah pertembungan peribadi, namun kini UMNO yang dikaitkan sekalipun bukan UMNO yang menjadi dalang.
Kini UMNO dibalun kiri kanan dan dijadikan kambing hitam oleh puak-puak Anwar. Hanya segelintir pemimpin UMNO bangun melawan dan menerangkan bahawa ini bukan kerja UMNO, tetapi itulah hakikatnya. UMNO perlu belajar untuk membentuk persepsi yang betul di kalangan generasi muda. Generasi muda kini melihat UMNO dengan jelak dan semakin menjauhinya. Bayangkan di Setiwangsa sahaja yang dahulu UMNO menang dengan undi POS berjumlah 8000, kini Pakatan sudah mendaftarkan pengundi baru melebihi 10000, jika begitu keadaaanya maka UMNO akan semakin tersepit.
Dalam keadaan sekarang, jika ada 200 video pun sukar orang ramai nak percaya sebab dalam perang saraf ini masyarakat sudah terlalu tepu maklumat dan sukar untuk membezakan mana salah mana benar. Oleh yang demikian jika BN hendak menyerang Anwar, mereka hendaklah menyerangnya dari sudut lain. Sama juga jika Datuk Seri Najib dikaitkan dengan 200 Al Tantuya lagi, orang ramai sukar hendak percaya. Itu sebab Datuk Seri Najib kini memenangi perang persepsi antara beliau dan Anwar. Dan kini Datuk -Datuk T datang merosakkan semua kerja keras DSN. Hampehhh
Salam untuk pemimpin yang tidur..
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Oportunis yang menyusahkan UMNO
Aku sebenarnya malas nak ulas pasal video lucah ni sebab sedari awal aku rasa banyak yang tak kena sebab itu aku linkkan video Pak Salam Ervin Joko Anuar, Bomoh Jawa yang banyak cakap tapi demam bila tengok hantu.
Rupa-rupanya sangkaan aku betul yang tiga ekor yang bukan main hebat nak perangkap Anuar ni hanyalah bomoh kaki temberang. Sebelum itu aku istiharkan pendirian aku dahulu. Aku bukan penyokong Anuar tetapi bukan juga penyokong tegar UMNO walaupun aku secara peribadi lebih cenderung untuk percaya UMNO adalah pilihan lebih baik.
Pemerhatian aku adalah UMNO sakit bukan disebabkan oleh UMNO sendiri tetapi beberapa individu bodoh dan bongkak dalam UMNO yang menyebabkan UMNO dicap sebagai penyangak sedangkan mereka ini yang memakai baju UMNO adalah penyangak. Akibatnya UMNO mendapat nama busuk disebabkan oleh mereka-mereka yang mengaku pejuang tetapi sebenarnya tidak lebih oprtunis yang desprado.
Sebenarnya bintang Anuar semakin pudar..hanya hanya perlukan sedikit masa sahaja lagi. Sesiapapun dari UMNO tidak perlu berbuat apa-apa kerana sikap dan cara Anuar sendiri menyerlahkan tembelang sebenarnya yang rapat dengan Yahudi Amerika dan pejuang Pluralisma agama. Hanya berhujah dengan beliau dari sudut inipun akan membataskan pengaruhnya dimata orang Melayu.
Tiba-tiba muncul desprado-desprado yang merupakan bekas orang kuat UMNO. Jadi adakah tuduhan ini mempunyai kredibel jika yang membuat tuduhan diketahui mempunyai dendam kesumat terhadap Anwar? Sekalipun ia benar, sekarang bukan masa untuk membenam Anwar yang sedang tenggelam. Ini perbuatan overkill yang tidak difikir secara strategik.
Kini tembelang mereka telah terserlah. Tahniah! sekarang dunia sudah mendengarnya dan mereka akan berfikir terlalu banyak konspirasi untuk membenam Anwar maka apakah tuduhan Liwat beliau juga salah satu dari konspirasi yang dirancang?
Maka andaian Paul Wolfowits bahawa 'his life is at stake' dilihat benar. Siapalah yang menjadi mangsa sebenar permainan bodoh ini? UMNO...
Kepada tiga ekor beruk ini..tolonglah fikirkan baik-baik tindakan anda menyebabkan generasi muda semakin menjauhkan diri dari UMNO yang dilihat kotor permainan politiknya.
Reformasi tahun 1998 adalah kerana orang Melayu meluat dengan penindasan dan penganiayaan terhadap Anwar sekalipun 10 tahun kemudian kita berterimakasih kepada Tun Mahathir kerana mengambil tindakan drsatik tersebut. UMNO belum pulih dari tsunami 2008, kini anda memberi ruang untuk rakyat menghukum UMNO kerana perbuatan bodoh anda.
Jangan bagi Anwar nyawa ke dua dalam arus politk yang semakin menenggelamkan beliau. kalau Anwar mendapat mileage dari tindakan bodoh ini, kubur anda layak dikencingkan.
Rupa-rupanya sangkaan aku betul yang tiga ekor yang bukan main hebat nak perangkap Anuar ni hanyalah bomoh kaki temberang. Sebelum itu aku istiharkan pendirian aku dahulu. Aku bukan penyokong Anuar tetapi bukan juga penyokong tegar UMNO walaupun aku secara peribadi lebih cenderung untuk percaya UMNO adalah pilihan lebih baik.
Pemerhatian aku adalah UMNO sakit bukan disebabkan oleh UMNO sendiri tetapi beberapa individu bodoh dan bongkak dalam UMNO yang menyebabkan UMNO dicap sebagai penyangak sedangkan mereka ini yang memakai baju UMNO adalah penyangak. Akibatnya UMNO mendapat nama busuk disebabkan oleh mereka-mereka yang mengaku pejuang tetapi sebenarnya tidak lebih oprtunis yang desprado.
Sebenarnya bintang Anuar semakin pudar..hanya hanya perlukan sedikit masa sahaja lagi. Sesiapapun dari UMNO tidak perlu berbuat apa-apa kerana sikap dan cara Anuar sendiri menyerlahkan tembelang sebenarnya yang rapat dengan Yahudi Amerika dan pejuang Pluralisma agama. Hanya berhujah dengan beliau dari sudut inipun akan membataskan pengaruhnya dimata orang Melayu.
Tiba-tiba muncul desprado-desprado yang merupakan bekas orang kuat UMNO. Jadi adakah tuduhan ini mempunyai kredibel jika yang membuat tuduhan diketahui mempunyai dendam kesumat terhadap Anwar? Sekalipun ia benar, sekarang bukan masa untuk membenam Anwar yang sedang tenggelam. Ini perbuatan overkill yang tidak difikir secara strategik.
Kini tembelang mereka telah terserlah. Tahniah! sekarang dunia sudah mendengarnya dan mereka akan berfikir terlalu banyak konspirasi untuk membenam Anwar maka apakah tuduhan Liwat beliau juga salah satu dari konspirasi yang dirancang?
Maka andaian Paul Wolfowits bahawa 'his life is at stake' dilihat benar. Siapalah yang menjadi mangsa sebenar permainan bodoh ini? UMNO...
Kepada tiga ekor beruk ini..tolonglah fikirkan baik-baik tindakan anda menyebabkan generasi muda semakin menjauhkan diri dari UMNO yang dilihat kotor permainan politiknya.
Reformasi tahun 1998 adalah kerana orang Melayu meluat dengan penindasan dan penganiayaan terhadap Anwar sekalipun 10 tahun kemudian kita berterimakasih kepada Tun Mahathir kerana mengambil tindakan drsatik tersebut. UMNO belum pulih dari tsunami 2008, kini anda memberi ruang untuk rakyat menghukum UMNO kerana perbuatan bodoh anda.
Jangan bagi Anwar nyawa ke dua dalam arus politk yang semakin menenggelamkan beliau. kalau Anwar mendapat mileage dari tindakan bodoh ini, kubur anda layak dikencingkan.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Wak Salam Erwin Joko Anuar
Ditengah-tengah kontrovesrsi video lucah dimana-mana ni eloklah kita berehat sekejap menonton Wak Salam Erwin Joko Anuar...banyak ahli politik kita macam ni jugak..
Monday, March 21, 2011
The Stupid Arab Leaders are Slaughtering their own people
When The Arab Gulf States Lead by Saudis asked for a no Fly Zone against Libya,there is a sense of disbelief on many part of the Muslim world. Who are they trying to con? While they slaughter hundreds of people in Manama and in Yemen in an open killing field not a single evidence from Libya of the 'Civilian Casualties', yet it is Libya who was being punished heavily by the ever ready 'democratic crusader'.
Granted Gaddafi is no angle and he should have step down to make way for a people led democracy. But doesn't the same logic applies to Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Dubai, Bahrain, UAE, Qatar and Kuwait, Jordan and Syria. These moronic Sultans and Kings should step down and allow full fledge democracy to take place or there should be no fly zone imposed!
But the reality of the Muslim world today is not fairness and democracy. The Kings and Sultans do not care for their people's welfare, they are just a bunch of plunderer just like Gaddafi, Mobarak or Zain El Abidin. They deserve the same treatment that the three morons get.
In the mean time There shall be more wars in the Islamic world. This is what the western world is looking for. To divert attention from their collapsing economy, by plundering the Muslim nation's wealth. So the bounties will go from one plunderers hand to another! This is not about people of LIBYA! once this is over the LIBYAN will still suffer as there are under Gaddafi.
Look at Iraq after she was freed from the tyrant. She was raped and brutalised by other form of tyrant and given to other group of tyrants!.
In the meantime the moronic Kings and Sultans still have more time to plunder before the masses start to rise again.
If France, Britain and USA are really honest about democracy to the people, the should impose no fly zone all over the Arab world.
Granted Gaddafi is no angle and he should have step down to make way for a people led democracy. But doesn't the same logic applies to Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, Dubai, Bahrain, UAE, Qatar and Kuwait, Jordan and Syria. These moronic Sultans and Kings should step down and allow full fledge democracy to take place or there should be no fly zone imposed!
But the reality of the Muslim world today is not fairness and democracy. The Kings and Sultans do not care for their people's welfare, they are just a bunch of plunderer just like Gaddafi, Mobarak or Zain El Abidin. They deserve the same treatment that the three morons get.
In the mean time There shall be more wars in the Islamic world. This is what the western world is looking for. To divert attention from their collapsing economy, by plundering the Muslim nation's wealth. So the bounties will go from one plunderers hand to another! This is not about people of LIBYA! once this is over the LIBYAN will still suffer as there are under Gaddafi.
Look at Iraq after she was freed from the tyrant. She was raped and brutalised by other form of tyrant and given to other group of tyrants!.
In the meantime the moronic Kings and Sultans still have more time to plunder before the masses start to rise again.
If France, Britain and USA are really honest about democracy to the people, the should impose no fly zone all over the Arab world.
Friday, March 18, 2011
Abad 21- Abad Kemusnahan
Belumpun kita mencecah usia suku abad di abad 21 ini, telah terang dan nyata bahawa abad 21 adalah abad kemusnahan.
Bermula dengan tsunami 2004 yang meragut lebih 300,000 nyawa dengan kemusnahan yang ekstensif melebihi kemusnahan perang dunia ke 2, diikuti oleh taufan Katrina yang melanda bumi Amerika yang agung dan kemudian gempa bumi yang meranapkan Haiti. Selepas itu Banjir besar menundukkan Pakistan, Kebakaran Hutan memusnahkan Russia serta banjir besar yang menenggelamkan sebahagian wilayah Australia dan kini muncul Tsunami yang meranapkan Jepun.
Tsunami ini dikatakan yang paling destruktif dalam tamadun manusia. Mungkin tidak sampai memusnahkan ketamadunan itu sendiri tetapi impaknya akan diarasakan sehingga kita beralih ke abad 22 nanti.
Bencana di Jepun di ini turut disertai dengan kemusnahan reaktor nuklear di Jepun. Dipercayai sehingga 17 reaktor nuklear di Jepun mengalami masalah. Bayangkan satu reaktor sebesar chernobil memunahkan sebuah kawasan seluas negeri jepun (124 ribu kilometer persegi), bagaimana agaknya jika 17 reaktor nuklear Jepun meletup seperti Chernobil!
Malapetaka ini tidak termasuk banyak gempa bumi yang melanda Cina dan Indonesia seperti yang berlaku di Padang beberapa tahun lepas. Mungkin malapetaka Tsunami di Jepun ini yang akan menjadi titik perubahan kepada tamadun manusia abad ini kerana kesan jangka panjangnya akan memberi impak kepada sebahagian besar masyarakat dunia.
Didalam situasi ini, dunia dijengah oleh revolusi yang melanda Asia Barat lantas menjadikan dunia makin tidak stabil. Ketika Amerika sendiri sedang bergelut untuk mengelakkan diri dari terjatuh kelembah kemerosotan ekonomi yang panjang. Kita tahu bahawa Raksaksa ini akan melakukan apa sahaja untuk kembali menjadi kuasa dunia. namun hakikatnya masa depan dunia nampaknya bertambah sukar dengan beberapa bencana yang menimpa ini.
Dan kita belum lagi sampai ke 20.12.2012!
Tsunami 2004
Katrina 2005
Gempa Haiti
Gempa Padang 2009
Banjir Besar Pakistan
Banjir Besar Australia
Bermula dengan tsunami 2004 yang meragut lebih 300,000 nyawa dengan kemusnahan yang ekstensif melebihi kemusnahan perang dunia ke 2, diikuti oleh taufan Katrina yang melanda bumi Amerika yang agung dan kemudian gempa bumi yang meranapkan Haiti. Selepas itu Banjir besar menundukkan Pakistan, Kebakaran Hutan memusnahkan Russia serta banjir besar yang menenggelamkan sebahagian wilayah Australia dan kini muncul Tsunami yang meranapkan Jepun.
Tsunami ini dikatakan yang paling destruktif dalam tamadun manusia. Mungkin tidak sampai memusnahkan ketamadunan itu sendiri tetapi impaknya akan diarasakan sehingga kita beralih ke abad 22 nanti.
Bencana di Jepun di ini turut disertai dengan kemusnahan reaktor nuklear di Jepun. Dipercayai sehingga 17 reaktor nuklear di Jepun mengalami masalah. Bayangkan satu reaktor sebesar chernobil memunahkan sebuah kawasan seluas negeri jepun (124 ribu kilometer persegi), bagaimana agaknya jika 17 reaktor nuklear Jepun meletup seperti Chernobil!
Malapetaka ini tidak termasuk banyak gempa bumi yang melanda Cina dan Indonesia seperti yang berlaku di Padang beberapa tahun lepas. Mungkin malapetaka Tsunami di Jepun ini yang akan menjadi titik perubahan kepada tamadun manusia abad ini kerana kesan jangka panjangnya akan memberi impak kepada sebahagian besar masyarakat dunia.
Didalam situasi ini, dunia dijengah oleh revolusi yang melanda Asia Barat lantas menjadikan dunia makin tidak stabil. Ketika Amerika sendiri sedang bergelut untuk mengelakkan diri dari terjatuh kelembah kemerosotan ekonomi yang panjang. Kita tahu bahawa Raksaksa ini akan melakukan apa sahaja untuk kembali menjadi kuasa dunia. namun hakikatnya masa depan dunia nampaknya bertambah sukar dengan beberapa bencana yang menimpa ini.
Dan kita belum lagi sampai ke 20.12.2012!
Tsunami 2004
Katrina 2005
Gempa Haiti
Gempa Padang 2009
Banjir Besar Pakistan
Banjir Besar Australia
Thursday, March 17, 2011
PAS= Parti Melayu berpakaian Islam=Parti Nasionalis
Dengarkan PAS sedang diTarbiah oleh Ulamak DAP Dr Wong Choon Huat. Pun begitu UMNO pun patut dengar dan ambil peduli. Selamat datang Demokrat Islam.
Monday, March 14, 2011
Sebagaimana rapinya perancangan manusia, mereka tetap tidak dapat mengubah takdirnya. Apabila kehendak TUHAN datang menjengah maka pasrahlah manusia yang lemah.
Bencana Tsunami Mac 2011 Jepun merupakan salah satu bencana terbesar dalam sejarah tamadun manusia sekalipun tidak mengorban sebegitu banyak nyawa seperti Tsunami 2004 di Acheh Indonesia.
Salam penuh takziah dan kesedihan untuk mereka-mereka yang terkorban akibat bencana ini.




Bencana Tsunami Mac 2011 Jepun merupakan salah satu bencana terbesar dalam sejarah tamadun manusia sekalipun tidak mengorban sebegitu banyak nyawa seperti Tsunami 2004 di Acheh Indonesia.
Salam penuh takziah dan kesedihan untuk mereka-mereka yang terkorban akibat bencana ini.





Monday, March 7, 2011
Selamat Berangkat Ke Syurga Bob

Bukan aku ingin memperlekehkan mu sahabat
Engkau berhak untuk mempunyai pegangan
Malah setahu aku, engkau amat membenci munafik-munafik
walau hanya munafik dalam muzik
Bagi mu kejujuran adalah penting sekali
Bukan aku memandang rendah kepada keyakinan mu teman
Tidak ada salahnya engkau memilih jalan ini untuk ke Syurga
sekurang-kurangnya engkau tahu ada jalan untuk ke Syurga
Aku mendengar tiap baris ungkapan mu
Aku mendengar tiap sorak takbir mu
dan aku percaya engkau berkeyakinan
Bahawa selain dari jalan itu tiada jalan lain lagi
Mungkin aku tersilap atau mungkin engkau terkhilaf
Engkau menyalahkan sistem pendidikan yang melahir koruptor
mungkin benar
tetapi puak pilihanmu tidak pernah melahirkan sistem mereka sendiri
yang diyakini dapat menghapus koruptor
Malah hampir semua mereka datang dari sistem sedia ada
Malah setelah dua puluh tahun tidak ada sistem yang unik yang dicipta oleh mereka
Tidak ada tokok tambahpun walau seinci atau seayat atau sehelai kertas cadangan
Apakah pendidikan holistik yang mereka laungkan
Aku pasti sekali sistem mereka hanya ada di TADIKA PASTI
Tidak ada sistem ekonomi dengan falsafah tersendiri
Tidak ada teori ekonomi berasaskan sistem holistik mereka
Koperasi merekapun disalah urus
terkial-kial mngalami kerugian
Bukan aku tidak mepercayai mu
tetapi aku belum nampak sebarang bukti
sejak lebih 30 tahun dahulu
aku hanya melihat satu keinginan untuk merampas kuasa
tetapi aku tidak melihat
satupun idea mulus atau praktikal
selain retorik-retorik semata
Bukan aku ini fanatik kepada puak satu lagi
yang amat percaya kepada ketuanan dan kelestarian satu kaum
Puak inipun banyak kekurangannya
sekurang-kurangnya puak ini tidak menjanjikan jalan kesyurga
Jalan ke Neraka adalah pilihan sendiri
Aku ingin sekali melihat ummah ini
mempunyai visi dan falsafah pentadbiran tersendiri
menjual ayat-ayat TUHAN untuk kekuasaan
kerana 20 tahun telah berlalu
Masih aku belum nampak negeri Islam contohnya
Dan aku percaya
Parti politik tetap parti politik
hanya pakaian isme mereka berbeda-beda
Namun jika engkau masih percaya
Selamat Berangkat Ke Syurga....
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Bagi DAP Hanya melayu Sahaja Yang Rasuah!
Apabila Lim Kit Siang (LKS) mempersoalkan dalam Blog beliau Mengapa Dato Dr Chua Soi Lek (CSL) tidak memprotes keputusan untuk mendakwa dua Presiden MCA diatas skandal PKFZ maka jelaslah kepada kita bahawa sekali pun mereka bukan kawan dalam politik, semangat keCinaan LKS tetap mempertahankan dua bekas Presiden MCA itu.
Bagi LKS semua ini satu sandiwara UMNO dan sikap berpihak MACC didalam kes ini. Kadang-kadang aku kagum dengan superioriti kompleks kaum chauvinis Cina ini. Sikap memandang rendah mereka kepada bangsa lain amat jelas dalam perbuatan dan tindakan mereka. Sekalipun mereka melaungkan kesaksamaan-kesaksamaan bagi mereka hanya jika mereka memperoleh untung. Sebaliknya jika mereka kerugian segera mereka akan merasa teraniaya.
Kadang aku nampak kebuntuan dipihak untuk menghadapi kerenah Cauvinis mereka ini. kadang-kadang kita banyak mengalah sehingga kita hanya tinggal seluar dalam sahaja. Itupun mahu diambil oleh mereka.
Benarlah sebagai kaum majoriti kita perlu banyak mengalah tetapi kaum Melayu hanya mejoriti dari segi bilangan tetapi minoriti dari segi ekonomi dan aspek-aspek lain.
Kita semua tahu bahawa majoriti pemain-pemain dalam skandal PKFZ adalah kaum Cina dan bahawa kaum Melayu hanya sebagai pemain sampingan sahaja namun mereka tetap beranggapan ini semua salah kaum Majoriti.
Jika ada sesiapa dari kaum mereka dilibatkan dalam apa apa kes maka ini adalah akibat sikap selektif MACC yang kebanyakkan dianggotai oleh kaum Melayu. Hebat sungguh manusia yang kecing di tiang bendera Selangor ni.
Kini ada diantara mereka yang berharap agar rakyat tempatan meniru tindakan Rakyat Libya atau Mesir. tetapi nasihat aku adalah jangan ada yang berharap atau terlalu berdoa agar perkara tersebut berlaku kepada mereka, ini kerana yang akan lebih susah adalah mereka sendiri...
Salam kepada dua Presiden
Bagi LKS semua ini satu sandiwara UMNO dan sikap berpihak MACC didalam kes ini. Kadang-kadang aku kagum dengan superioriti kompleks kaum chauvinis Cina ini. Sikap memandang rendah mereka kepada bangsa lain amat jelas dalam perbuatan dan tindakan mereka. Sekalipun mereka melaungkan kesaksamaan-kesaksamaan bagi mereka hanya jika mereka memperoleh untung. Sebaliknya jika mereka kerugian segera mereka akan merasa teraniaya.
Kadang aku nampak kebuntuan dipihak untuk menghadapi kerenah Cauvinis mereka ini. kadang-kadang kita banyak mengalah sehingga kita hanya tinggal seluar dalam sahaja. Itupun mahu diambil oleh mereka.
Benarlah sebagai kaum majoriti kita perlu banyak mengalah tetapi kaum Melayu hanya mejoriti dari segi bilangan tetapi minoriti dari segi ekonomi dan aspek-aspek lain.
Kita semua tahu bahawa majoriti pemain-pemain dalam skandal PKFZ adalah kaum Cina dan bahawa kaum Melayu hanya sebagai pemain sampingan sahaja namun mereka tetap beranggapan ini semua salah kaum Majoriti.
Jika ada sesiapa dari kaum mereka dilibatkan dalam apa apa kes maka ini adalah akibat sikap selektif MACC yang kebanyakkan dianggotai oleh kaum Melayu. Hebat sungguh manusia yang kecing di tiang bendera Selangor ni.
Kini ada diantara mereka yang berharap agar rakyat tempatan meniru tindakan Rakyat Libya atau Mesir. tetapi nasihat aku adalah jangan ada yang berharap atau terlalu berdoa agar perkara tersebut berlaku kepada mereka, ini kerana yang akan lebih susah adalah mereka sendiri...
Salam kepada dua Presiden
Friday, March 4, 2011
Understanding Libya and The Hypcrissy of the Western World
Libya: Is Washington Pushing for Civil War to Justify a US-NATO Military Intervention?
by Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya
Global Research, February 25, 2011
- 2011-02-24
Is Tripoli being set up for a civil war to justify U.S. and NATO military intervention in oil-rich Libya?
Are the talks about sanctions a prelude to an Iraq-like intervention?
Something is Rotten in the so-called “Jamahiriya” of Libya
There is no question that Colonel Muammar Al-Gaddafi (Al-Qaddafi) is a dictator. He has been the dictator and so-called “qaid” of Libya for about 42 years. Yet, it appears that tensions are being ratcheted up and the flames of revolt are being fanned inside Libya. This includes earlier statements by the British Foreign Secretary William Hague that Colonel Qaddafi had fled Libya to Venezuela. [1] This statement served to electrify the revolt against Qaddafi and his regime in Libya.
Although all three have dictatorship in common, Qaddafi’s Libya is quite different from Ben Ali’s Tunisia or Mubarak’s Egypt. The Libyan leadership is not outright subservient to the United States and the European Union. Unlike the cases of Tunisia and Egypt, the relationship that exists between Qaddafi and both the U.S. and E.U. is a modus vivendi. Simply put, Qaddafi is an independent Arab dictator and not a “managed dictator” like Ben Ali and Mubarak.
In Tunisia and Egypt the status quo prevails, the military machine and neo-liberalism remain intact; this works for the interests of the United States and the European Union. In Libya, however, upsetting the established order is a U.S. and E.U. objective.
The U.S. and the E.U. now seek to capitalize on the revolt against Qaddafi and his dictatorship with the hopes of building a far stronger position in Libya than ever before. Weapons are also being brought into Libya from its southern borders to promote revolt. The destabilization of Libya would also have significant implications for North Africa, West Africa, and global energy reserves.
Colonel Qaddafi in Brief Summary
Qaddafi’s rise to power started as a Libyan lieutenant amongst a group of military officers who carried out a coup d’Ă©tat. The 1969 coup was against the young Libyan monarchy of King Idris Al-Sanusi. Under the monarchy Libya was widely seen as being acquiescent to U.S. and Western European interests.
Although he has no official state or government position, Qaddafi has nurtured and deeply rooted a political culture of cronyism, corruption, and privilege in Libya since the 1969 coup. Added to this is the backdrop of the “cult of personality” that he has also enforced in Libya.
Qaddafi has done everything to portray himself as a hero to the masses, specifically the Arabs and Africans. His military adventures in Chad were also tied to leaving his mark in history and creating a client state by carving up Chad. Qaddafi’s so-called “Green Book” has been forcefully portrayed and venerated as being a great feat in political thought and philosophy. Numerous intellectuals have been forced or bribed to praise it.
Over the years, Colonel Qaddafi has tried to cultivate a romantic figure of himself as a simple man of the people. This includes pretending to live in a tent. He has done everything to make himself stand out. His reprimanding of other Arab dictators, such as King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, at Arab League meetings have made headlines and have been welcomed by many Arabs. While on state visits he has deliberately surrounded himself with an entourage of female body guards with the intent of getting heads to turn. Moreover, he has also presented himself as a so-called imam or leader of the Muslims and a man of God, lecturing about Islam in and outside of Libya.
Libya is run by a government under Qaddafi’s edicts. Fear and cronyism have been the keys to keeping so-called “order” in Libya amongst officials and citizens alike. Libyans and foreigners alike have been killed and have gone missing for over four decades. The case of Lebanon’s Musa Al-Sadr, the founder of the Amal Movement, is one of the most famous of these cases and has always been a hindrance to Lebanese-Libyan relations. Qaddafi has had a very negative effect in creating and conditioning an entire hierarchy of corrupt officials in Tripoli. Each one looks out for their own interests at the expense of the Libyan people.
Fractions and Tensions inside the Hierarchy of Qaddafi’s Regime
Because of the nature of Qaddafi’s regime in Tripoli, there are a lot of internal tensions in Libya and within the regime structure itself. One of these sets of tensions is between Saif Al-Islam Gaddafi and his father’s circle of older ministers. Libyan ministers are generally divided amongst those that gather around Saif Al-Islam and those that are part of the “old guard.”
There are even tensions between Qaddafi and his sons. In 1999, Mutassim Al-Qaddafi tried to ouster his father while Colonel Qaddafi was outside of Libya. Mutassim Qaddafi holds a Libyan cabinet portfolio as a national security advisor. He is also famously known amongst Libyans for being a playboy who has spent much of his time in Europe and abroad. There is also Khames Gaddafi who runs his own militia of thugs, which are called the Khames militia. He has always been thought of as possible contender for succession too against his other brothers.
There have always been fears in Libya about the issue of succession after Colonel Qaddafi is gone. Over the years, Qaddafi has thoroughly purged Libya of any form of organized opposition to him or prevented anyone else, outside his family, from amassing enough power to challenge his authority.
The Issue of Loyalty and Defection in Libya
Undoubtedly, little loyalty is felt for Qaddafi and his family. It has been fear that has kept Libyans in line. At the level of the Libyan government and the Libyan military it has been both fear and self-interest that has kept officials, good and corrupt alike, in line. That mantle of fear has now been dispelled. Statements and declarations of denunciation against Gaddafi’s regime are being heard from officials, towns, and military barracks across Libya.
Aref Sharif, the head of the Libyan Air Force, has renounced Qaddafi. Interior Minister Abdul Fatah Al-Yunis (Al-Younis), who is from Benghazi (Bengasi) and oversees a branch of the special operations work in Libya, has resigned. Yunis is reported to be Qaddafi’s “number two” or second in charge, but this is incorrect. Abdullah Sanusi, the head of Libyan Internal Intelligence and Qaddafi’s relative through marriage, is the closest thing to a “number two” within the structure of power in Tripoli.
Reports have been made about two Libyan pilots defected to Malt and Libyan naval vessels refusing to attack Benghazi. Defections are snowballing amongst the military and government. Yet, there must be pause to analyze the situation.
The Libyan Opposition
At this point, however, it must be asked who is the “opposition” in Libya. The opposition is not a monolithic body. The common denominator is the opposition to the rule of Qaddafi and his family. It has to be said that “actions of opposition or resistance against an oppressor” and an “opposition movement” are also two different things. For the most part, the common people and corrupt Libyan officials, who harbour deep-seated hate towards Qaddafi and his family, are now in the same camp, but there are differences.
There is an authentic form of opposition, which is not organized, and a systematic form of opposition, which is either external or led by figures from within the Libyan regime itself. The authentic people’s internal opposition in Libya is not organized and the people’s “actions of opposition” have been spontaneous. Yet, opposition and revolt has been encouraged and prompted from outside Libya through social media networks, international news stations, and events in the rest of the Arab World. [2]
The leadership of the internal opposition that is emerging in Libya is coming from within the regime itself. Corrupt officials that have rebelled against Gaddafi are not the champions of the people. These opposition figures are not opposed to tyranny; they are merely opposed to the rule of Colonel Qaddafi and his family. Aref Sharif and Al-Yunis are themselves Libyan regime figures.
It has to also be considered that some Libyan officials that have turned against Qaddafi are doing it to save themselves, while others in the future will work to retain or strengthen their positions. Abdel Moneim Al-Honi, the Libyan envoy to the Arab League in Cairo, can be looked at as an example. Al-Honi denounced Qaddafi, but it should be noted that he was one of the members of the group of Libyan officers who executed the coup in 1969 with Qaddafi and that later in 1975 he himself tried to take power in a failed coup. After the failed coup, he would flee Libya and only return in 1990 after Qaddafi pardoned him.
Al-Honi is not the only Libyan diplomat to resign. The Libyan ambassador to India has also done the same. There is an intention on the part of these officials to be members of the power structure in a Libya after the ouster of Qaddafi:
Libyan Ambassador to India Ali al-Essawi told the BBC that he was quitting, opposing his government's violent crackdown on demonstrators.
Mr. Al-Essawi was reported to be a Minister in Tripoli and could be an important figure in an alternative government, in case Libyan President Muammar Qadhafi steps down.
The second Libyan diplomat to put in his papers was Tripoli's Permanent Representative to the Arab League Abdel Moneim al-Honi, who said in Cairo that he had quit his job to “join the revolution” in his country.
“I have submitted my resignation in protest against the acts of repression and violence against demonstrators, and I am joining the ranks of the revolution,” said Mr. Al-Honi. The Second Secretary Hussein Sadiq al Musrati, announced his resignation from China, in an interview with Al-Jazeera, and called on the Army to intervene in the uprising. [3]
Again, these revolting officials, like Al-Yunis and Sharif, are from within the regime. They are not mere diplomats, but former ministers. There is also the possibility that these types of “opposition figures” could have or could make arrangements with external powers.
External Forces at Play in Libya
The governments of the U.S., Britain, France, Germany, and Italy all knew very well that Qaddafi was a despot, but this did not stop any of them from making lucrative deals with Tripoli. When the media covers the violence in Libya, they should also ask, where are the weapons being used coming from? The arms sales that the U.S. and the E.U. have made to Libya should be scrutinized. Is this a part of their democracy promotion programs?
Since rapprochement between the U.S. and Libya, the military forces of both countries have moved closer. Libya and the U.S. have had military transactions and since rapprochement Tripoli has been very interested in buying U.S. military hardware. [4] In 2009, a Pentagon spokeswoman, Lieutenant-Colonel Hibner, affirmed this relationship best: “[The U.S.] will consider Libyan requests for defen[c]e equipment that enables [Libya] to build capabilities in areas that serve our mutual interest [or synchronized U.S. and Libyan interests].” [5] The qualifier here is U.S. interests, meaning that the Pentagon will only arm Libya on the basis of U.S. interests.
In what seems to have happened overnight, a whole new arsenal of U.S. military hardware has appeared in Libya. American-made F-16 jets, Apache helicopters, and ground vehicles are being used inside Libya by Qaddafi. [6] This is a shocking revelation, if corroborated. There are no public records about some of this U.S. military hardware in the the arsenal of the Libyan military. In regards to the F-16s, Libyan jets are traditionally French-made Mirages and Russian-made MiGs.
Silvio Berlusconi and the Italian government have also been strong supporters of Qaddafi’s regime. There is information coming out of Libya that Italian pilots are also being used by the Libyan Air Force. [7] Mercenaries from Chad, Sudan, Niger, and Nigeria are also being used. This has been verified through video evidence coming out of Libya. The Libyan regime is also considering contracting American or European security firms (mercenaries). [8]
The Politics of Al Jazeera
The Libyan government has shut down the internet and phone lines and an information war is underway. Although one of the most professional news networks in the world, it has to be cautioned that Al Jazeera is not a neutral actor. It is subordinate to the Emir of Qatar and the Qatari government, which is also an autocracy. By picking and choosing what to report, Al Jazeera’s coverage of Libya is biased. This is evident when one studies Al Jazeera’s coverage of Bahrain, which has been restrained due to political ties between the leaders of Bahrain and Qatar.
Reports by Al Jazeera about Libyan jets firing on protesters in Tripoli and the major cities are unverified and questionable. [9] Hereto, the reports that Libyan jets have been attacking people in the streets have not been verified. No visual evidence of the jet attacks has been shown, while visual confirmation about other events have been coming out of Libya.
Al Jazeera is not alone in its biased reporting from Libya. The Saudi media is also relishing the events in Libya. Asharq Al-Awsat is a Saudi-owned paper that is strictly aligned to U.S. interests in the Middle East-North Africa (MENA) region. Its editor-in-chief is now running editorials glorifying the Arab League for their decision to suspend Libya, because of the use of force by Tripoli against Libyans protesters – why were such steps not taken for Egypt, Tunisia, Bahrain, or Yemen? Inside and outside the Arab World, the mainstream media is now creating the conditions for some sort of intervention in Libya.
The Role of Foreign Interests in Libya
Qaddafi and his sons have run Libya like a private estate. They have squandered its wealth and natural resources. One of Gaddafi’s son’s is known to have paid the American singer BeyoncĂ© Knowles a million or more U.S. dollars for a private music concert. [10] Foreign corporations also play a role in this story.
The positions and actions of foreign corporations, the U.S., and the European Union in regards to Libya should not be ignored.
Questioning the role of foreign governments and corporations in Libya is very important. The Italian and U.S. governments should be questioned about the role that pilots of Italian nationality and newly bought U.S. weaponry are playing in Libya.
It is very clear that democracy is only used as a convenient pretext against dictators and governments that do not bow down and serve U.S. and E.U. interests. All one needs to do is to just look at the way Mutassim Qaddafi was welcomed with open arms in Washington on April 21, 2009 by Hillary Clinton and the Obama Administration. Upon their meeting, Secretary Clinton publicly said:
I am very pleased to welcome Minister Gaddafi to the State Department. We deeply value the relationship between the United States and Libya. We have many opportunities to deepen and broaden our cooperation and I am very much looking forward to building on this relationship. So Mr.Minister welcome so much here. [11]
What the U.S. and the E.U. want to do now is maximize their gain in Libya. Civil war seems to be what Brussels and Washington have in mind.
The Balkanization of Libya and the Push to Civil War
Qaddafi’s son Saif Al-Islam has made statements on Libyan television about deviant Taliban-like faith-based organizations taking over Libya or attempting to take it over. Nothing is further from the truth. He has also warned of doom and civil war. This is part of the Qaddafi family’s efforts to retain power over Libya, but a path towards civil war is unfolding in Libya.
Amongst the ranking members of the military, Mahdi Al-Arab, the deputy chief of Libya’s military staff, was said to have renounced Qaddafi. [12] Al-Arab, however, has modified his position by saying that he does not want to see Libya spiral into a civil war that will allow foreign intervention and tutelage. [13] This is why Al-Arab prevented the people of his city, Zawarah, from joining the revolt and going to nearby Tripoli. [14]
The drive towards civil war in Libya is fuelled by two factors. One is the nature of Qaddafi’s regime. The other is an external desire to divide and weaken Libya.
Qaddafi has always worked to keep Libyans divided. For years there have been fears that Qaddafi’s sons would start a civil war amongst themselves or that some other high ranking officials could try to jockey for power once Qaddafi was gone. Civil war on the basis of ethnicity, regionalism, or tribalism is not a big threat. Tribes and regions could be co-opted or allied with, but the people that would spark a civil war are regime figures. The threats of civil war arise from the rivalries amongst regime officials themselves. Yet, it must be understood that these rivalries are delibertly being encouraged to divide Libya.
The flames of revolt are being fanned inside Libya. Chaos in the Arab World has been viewed as beneficial in many strategic circles in Washington, Tel Aviv, London, and NATO Headquarters. If Libya falls into a state of civil war or becomes balkanized this will benefit the U.S. and the E.U. in the long-term and will have serious geo-political implications.
All the neighbouring states in North Africa would be destabilized by the events in Libya. West Africa and Central Africa would also be destabilized. The tribal boundaries running in Libya and Chad extend into countries like Niger, Algeria, and Sudan. The chaos in Libya would also have a significant effect on Europe and global energy. Already the events in Libya are being used to validate the drive to control the Arctic Circle and its energy resources. [15]
What Will Be Qaddafi’s End?
It is very likely that Qaddafi will not have as fortunate an exit from power as Ben Ali in Tunisia and Mubarak in Egypt. Finding refuge for Qaddafi will not be easy. In general, Qaddafi is considered a liability by other governments. Saudi Arabia, which can be portrayed as a refuge for Arab dictators, will most likely not give Qaddafi refuge. Libya and Saudi Arabia have bad relations. He is also wanted for investigation in Lebanon. Generally, Qaddafi’s relationship with the leaders of the Arab petro-sheikhdoms in the Persian Gulf is tense and negative. He will not be granted refuge anywhere in the Persian Gulf.
In general, Arab governments will also be afraid to host him. In his efforts to present himself as a champion of the people, he has insulted many of his fellow Arab dictators. There is something to be said, however, when Qaddafi’s statements at Arab League meetings or about Palestine and Iraq are far more popular or candid than the rest of the Arab dictators.
It is highly improbable that any Latin American, European, or ex-Soviet countries will give him refuge. A country in sub-Sahara(n) Africa is the mostly likely place Qaddafi could seek refuge.
His options are limited and he is determined to hold on to power. Civil War seems to be looming in the horizon. It is highly unlikely that he will leave Libya peacefully and the U.S. and its allies have no doubt examined this scenario. On February 23-24, 2010, he met with the leaders of the three biggest tribes in Libya (Werfala, Tarhouna, and Wershfana), to secure their support. [16] His own tribe, Qaddafa is supporting him and it seems that the Madarha and Awlad Slieman tribes are also supporting him. [17]
The Threats of NATO Intervention and U.S. and E.U. Control over Libya
Libya has been in the cross-hairs of the Pentagon for years. According to Wesley Clark, the retired general who was the supreme military commander of NATO, Libya was on a Pentagon list of nations to be invaded after Taliban-controlled Afghanistan. The list included Iraq, Somalia, Sudan, Lebanon, Syria, and lastly Iran. In Clark’s own words:
So I came back to see him [a high ranking military officer in the Pentagon] a few weeks later, and by that time we were bombing in Afghanistan. I said, “Are we still going to war with Iraq?” And he said, “Oh, it’s worse than that.” He reached over on his desk. He picked up a piece of paper. And he said, “I just got this down from upstairs” — meaning the Secretary of Defence’s office — “today.” And he said, “This is a memo that describes how we’re going to take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran.” [18]
In one way or another all the nations on the list have been attacked directly or indirectly and all of them, but Syria and Iran, have succumbed to the U.S. and its allies. Again, the only exceptions are Iran and its ally Syria. In Lebanon, the U.S. has made partial gains, but it is now receding with the decline of the Hariri-led March 14 Alliance.
Libya started secret negotiations with Washington in 2001 that materialized into formal rapprochement after the fall of Baghdad to British and American troops in 2003. Yet, the U.S. and its allies have always wanted to expand their influence over the Libyan energy sector and to appropriate Libya’s vast wealth. A civil war provides the best cover for this.
Libyans Must Be Aware of the Pretext of Humanitarian Intervention
The Libyan people should be on their high guards. In is clear that the U.S. and the E.U. are supporting both sides. The U.S. and the E.U. are not the allies of the people of the Arab World. In this regard, the U.S. supports Qaddafi on the ground through military hardware, while it also supports the “opposition.” If the so-called Western governments were serious about democracy, they would have cut their business ties to Libya, specifically in the energy sector, before 2011.
Both Washington and the powers in Brussels could co-opt opposition forces. They have supported Gaddafi, but they do not control him or his regime like they controlled Ben Ali in Tunisia and Mubarak in Egypt. Libya is a very different story. The objectives of Washington and Brussels will be to strengthen their control over Libya either through regime change or civil war.
“Actions of opposition to Gaddafi” are strong, but there is no strong organized “opposition movement.” The two are different. Nor is democracy guaranteed, because of the nature of the coalition opposed to Gaddafi, which includes corrupt regime officials.
There is now talk about a “humanitarian intervention” in Libya, similar to Yugoslavia and Iraq. A “no-fly zone” over Libya has been mentioned, as has NATO military intervention. The aims behind such statements are not humanitarian, but are intended to justify foreign interference, which could potentially lead to an invasion. Should this come to fruition, Libya would become an occupied country. Its resources would be plundered and its assets privatized and controlled by foreign corporations as in the case of Iraq.
Today, in Libya and the Arab World the ghosts of Omar Mukhtar and Saladin are still very much alive and active. Getting rid of Gaddafi and his sons alone is not the solution. The entire corrupt system of governance in Libya and the culture of political corruption must be dismantled. At the same time, however, foreign interference or domination should also not be allowed to take root in Libya. If the Libyan people are mobilized and steadfast, they can fight such schemes.
Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya specializes in the Middle East and Central Asia. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization.
[1] “UK Hague: some information that Qaddafi on way to Venezuela,” Reuters, February 21, 2011.
[2] One is taken back by the proliferation of pre-1969 coup Libyan flags. Where did all these flags come from?
[3] “3 Libyan Diplomats resign,” The Hindu, February 22, 2011.
[4] James Wolf, “U.S. eyes arms sales to Libya,” Reuters, March 6, 2009.
[5] Ibid.
[6] Information from sources in Libya; not publicly confirmed yet.
[7] Ibid.
[8] Ibid.
[9] Ibid.; I have been given two explanations for this. The first explanation is that government agents from Libya have been disseminating misinformation to Al Jazeera. This includes reports made to Al Jazeera that jets have been attacking civilians in the streets. Gaddafi has used this to try to discredit Al Jazeera internally in Libya by pointing out to the Libyan people that no jet attacks have occurred and that Al Jazeera is broadcasting misinformation. The second explanation is that Al Jazeera is simply spreading misinformation. Whatever the case, both explanations agree no Libyan jets have attacked protesters yet.
[10] Marine Hyde, “BeyoncĂ© and the $2m gig for Colonel Gaddafi’s son,” The Guardian (U.K.), January 8, 2010; it was Mutassim and not Hannibal Gaddafi that the music concert was for (the article is wrong). The article is not authoritative and has been cited to illustrate that these types of escapades are even vaguely known by the mainstream press in Britain and Western Europe.
[11] U.S. State Department, “Remarks With Libyan National Security Adviser Dr. Mutassim Qadhafi Before Their Meeting,” April 21, 2009:.
[12] Information from sources in Libya; not publicly confirmed yet.
[13] Ibid.
[14] Ibid.
[15] David Ljunggren, “Libya turmoil puts focus on Arctic oil: Greenland,” ed. Robert Wilson, Reuters, February 23, 2011.
[16] Information from sources in Libya; not publicly confirmed yet. I have been told that Qaddafi promised the tribes reform and that he would step down in about one year in time. I was also informed that he claimed that none of his sons would control Libya either.
[17] Ibid.
[18] General (retired) Wesley Clark, “92 Street Y Exclusive Live Interview,” interview by Amy Goodman, Democracy Now, March 2, 2007.
Global Research Articles by Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya
by Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya
Global Research, February 25, 2011
- 2011-02-24
Is Tripoli being set up for a civil war to justify U.S. and NATO military intervention in oil-rich Libya?
Are the talks about sanctions a prelude to an Iraq-like intervention?
Something is Rotten in the so-called “Jamahiriya” of Libya
There is no question that Colonel Muammar Al-Gaddafi (Al-Qaddafi) is a dictator. He has been the dictator and so-called “qaid” of Libya for about 42 years. Yet, it appears that tensions are being ratcheted up and the flames of revolt are being fanned inside Libya. This includes earlier statements by the British Foreign Secretary William Hague that Colonel Qaddafi had fled Libya to Venezuela. [1] This statement served to electrify the revolt against Qaddafi and his regime in Libya.
Although all three have dictatorship in common, Qaddafi’s Libya is quite different from Ben Ali’s Tunisia or Mubarak’s Egypt. The Libyan leadership is not outright subservient to the United States and the European Union. Unlike the cases of Tunisia and Egypt, the relationship that exists between Qaddafi and both the U.S. and E.U. is a modus vivendi. Simply put, Qaddafi is an independent Arab dictator and not a “managed dictator” like Ben Ali and Mubarak.
In Tunisia and Egypt the status quo prevails, the military machine and neo-liberalism remain intact; this works for the interests of the United States and the European Union. In Libya, however, upsetting the established order is a U.S. and E.U. objective.
The U.S. and the E.U. now seek to capitalize on the revolt against Qaddafi and his dictatorship with the hopes of building a far stronger position in Libya than ever before. Weapons are also being brought into Libya from its southern borders to promote revolt. The destabilization of Libya would also have significant implications for North Africa, West Africa, and global energy reserves.
Colonel Qaddafi in Brief Summary
Qaddafi’s rise to power started as a Libyan lieutenant amongst a group of military officers who carried out a coup d’Ă©tat. The 1969 coup was against the young Libyan monarchy of King Idris Al-Sanusi. Under the monarchy Libya was widely seen as being acquiescent to U.S. and Western European interests.
Although he has no official state or government position, Qaddafi has nurtured and deeply rooted a political culture of cronyism, corruption, and privilege in Libya since the 1969 coup. Added to this is the backdrop of the “cult of personality” that he has also enforced in Libya.
Qaddafi has done everything to portray himself as a hero to the masses, specifically the Arabs and Africans. His military adventures in Chad were also tied to leaving his mark in history and creating a client state by carving up Chad. Qaddafi’s so-called “Green Book” has been forcefully portrayed and venerated as being a great feat in political thought and philosophy. Numerous intellectuals have been forced or bribed to praise it.
Over the years, Colonel Qaddafi has tried to cultivate a romantic figure of himself as a simple man of the people. This includes pretending to live in a tent. He has done everything to make himself stand out. His reprimanding of other Arab dictators, such as King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, at Arab League meetings have made headlines and have been welcomed by many Arabs. While on state visits he has deliberately surrounded himself with an entourage of female body guards with the intent of getting heads to turn. Moreover, he has also presented himself as a so-called imam or leader of the Muslims and a man of God, lecturing about Islam in and outside of Libya.
Libya is run by a government under Qaddafi’s edicts. Fear and cronyism have been the keys to keeping so-called “order” in Libya amongst officials and citizens alike. Libyans and foreigners alike have been killed and have gone missing for over four decades. The case of Lebanon’s Musa Al-Sadr, the founder of the Amal Movement, is one of the most famous of these cases and has always been a hindrance to Lebanese-Libyan relations. Qaddafi has had a very negative effect in creating and conditioning an entire hierarchy of corrupt officials in Tripoli. Each one looks out for their own interests at the expense of the Libyan people.
Fractions and Tensions inside the Hierarchy of Qaddafi’s Regime
Because of the nature of Qaddafi’s regime in Tripoli, there are a lot of internal tensions in Libya and within the regime structure itself. One of these sets of tensions is between Saif Al-Islam Gaddafi and his father’s circle of older ministers. Libyan ministers are generally divided amongst those that gather around Saif Al-Islam and those that are part of the “old guard.”
There are even tensions between Qaddafi and his sons. In 1999, Mutassim Al-Qaddafi tried to ouster his father while Colonel Qaddafi was outside of Libya. Mutassim Qaddafi holds a Libyan cabinet portfolio as a national security advisor. He is also famously known amongst Libyans for being a playboy who has spent much of his time in Europe and abroad. There is also Khames Gaddafi who runs his own militia of thugs, which are called the Khames militia. He has always been thought of as possible contender for succession too against his other brothers.
There have always been fears in Libya about the issue of succession after Colonel Qaddafi is gone. Over the years, Qaddafi has thoroughly purged Libya of any form of organized opposition to him or prevented anyone else, outside his family, from amassing enough power to challenge his authority.
The Issue of Loyalty and Defection in Libya
Undoubtedly, little loyalty is felt for Qaddafi and his family. It has been fear that has kept Libyans in line. At the level of the Libyan government and the Libyan military it has been both fear and self-interest that has kept officials, good and corrupt alike, in line. That mantle of fear has now been dispelled. Statements and declarations of denunciation against Gaddafi’s regime are being heard from officials, towns, and military barracks across Libya.
Aref Sharif, the head of the Libyan Air Force, has renounced Qaddafi. Interior Minister Abdul Fatah Al-Yunis (Al-Younis), who is from Benghazi (Bengasi) and oversees a branch of the special operations work in Libya, has resigned. Yunis is reported to be Qaddafi’s “number two” or second in charge, but this is incorrect. Abdullah Sanusi, the head of Libyan Internal Intelligence and Qaddafi’s relative through marriage, is the closest thing to a “number two” within the structure of power in Tripoli.
Reports have been made about two Libyan pilots defected to Malt and Libyan naval vessels refusing to attack Benghazi. Defections are snowballing amongst the military and government. Yet, there must be pause to analyze the situation.
The Libyan Opposition
At this point, however, it must be asked who is the “opposition” in Libya. The opposition is not a monolithic body. The common denominator is the opposition to the rule of Qaddafi and his family. It has to be said that “actions of opposition or resistance against an oppressor” and an “opposition movement” are also two different things. For the most part, the common people and corrupt Libyan officials, who harbour deep-seated hate towards Qaddafi and his family, are now in the same camp, but there are differences.
There is an authentic form of opposition, which is not organized, and a systematic form of opposition, which is either external or led by figures from within the Libyan regime itself. The authentic people’s internal opposition in Libya is not organized and the people’s “actions of opposition” have been spontaneous. Yet, opposition and revolt has been encouraged and prompted from outside Libya through social media networks, international news stations, and events in the rest of the Arab World. [2]
The leadership of the internal opposition that is emerging in Libya is coming from within the regime itself. Corrupt officials that have rebelled against Gaddafi are not the champions of the people. These opposition figures are not opposed to tyranny; they are merely opposed to the rule of Colonel Qaddafi and his family. Aref Sharif and Al-Yunis are themselves Libyan regime figures.
It has to also be considered that some Libyan officials that have turned against Qaddafi are doing it to save themselves, while others in the future will work to retain or strengthen their positions. Abdel Moneim Al-Honi, the Libyan envoy to the Arab League in Cairo, can be looked at as an example. Al-Honi denounced Qaddafi, but it should be noted that he was one of the members of the group of Libyan officers who executed the coup in 1969 with Qaddafi and that later in 1975 he himself tried to take power in a failed coup. After the failed coup, he would flee Libya and only return in 1990 after Qaddafi pardoned him.
Al-Honi is not the only Libyan diplomat to resign. The Libyan ambassador to India has also done the same. There is an intention on the part of these officials to be members of the power structure in a Libya after the ouster of Qaddafi:
Libyan Ambassador to India Ali al-Essawi told the BBC that he was quitting, opposing his government's violent crackdown on demonstrators.
Mr. Al-Essawi was reported to be a Minister in Tripoli and could be an important figure in an alternative government, in case Libyan President Muammar Qadhafi steps down.
The second Libyan diplomat to put in his papers was Tripoli's Permanent Representative to the Arab League Abdel Moneim al-Honi, who said in Cairo that he had quit his job to “join the revolution” in his country.
“I have submitted my resignation in protest against the acts of repression and violence against demonstrators, and I am joining the ranks of the revolution,” said Mr. Al-Honi. The Second Secretary Hussein Sadiq al Musrati, announced his resignation from China, in an interview with Al-Jazeera, and called on the Army to intervene in the uprising. [3]
Again, these revolting officials, like Al-Yunis and Sharif, are from within the regime. They are not mere diplomats, but former ministers. There is also the possibility that these types of “opposition figures” could have or could make arrangements with external powers.
External Forces at Play in Libya
The governments of the U.S., Britain, France, Germany, and Italy all knew very well that Qaddafi was a despot, but this did not stop any of them from making lucrative deals with Tripoli. When the media covers the violence in Libya, they should also ask, where are the weapons being used coming from? The arms sales that the U.S. and the E.U. have made to Libya should be scrutinized. Is this a part of their democracy promotion programs?
Since rapprochement between the U.S. and Libya, the military forces of both countries have moved closer. Libya and the U.S. have had military transactions and since rapprochement Tripoli has been very interested in buying U.S. military hardware. [4] In 2009, a Pentagon spokeswoman, Lieutenant-Colonel Hibner, affirmed this relationship best: “[The U.S.] will consider Libyan requests for defen[c]e equipment that enables [Libya] to build capabilities in areas that serve our mutual interest [or synchronized U.S. and Libyan interests].” [5] The qualifier here is U.S. interests, meaning that the Pentagon will only arm Libya on the basis of U.S. interests.
In what seems to have happened overnight, a whole new arsenal of U.S. military hardware has appeared in Libya. American-made F-16 jets, Apache helicopters, and ground vehicles are being used inside Libya by Qaddafi. [6] This is a shocking revelation, if corroborated. There are no public records about some of this U.S. military hardware in the the arsenal of the Libyan military. In regards to the F-16s, Libyan jets are traditionally French-made Mirages and Russian-made MiGs.
Silvio Berlusconi and the Italian government have also been strong supporters of Qaddafi’s regime. There is information coming out of Libya that Italian pilots are also being used by the Libyan Air Force. [7] Mercenaries from Chad, Sudan, Niger, and Nigeria are also being used. This has been verified through video evidence coming out of Libya. The Libyan regime is also considering contracting American or European security firms (mercenaries). [8]
The Politics of Al Jazeera
The Libyan government has shut down the internet and phone lines and an information war is underway. Although one of the most professional news networks in the world, it has to be cautioned that Al Jazeera is not a neutral actor. It is subordinate to the Emir of Qatar and the Qatari government, which is also an autocracy. By picking and choosing what to report, Al Jazeera’s coverage of Libya is biased. This is evident when one studies Al Jazeera’s coverage of Bahrain, which has been restrained due to political ties between the leaders of Bahrain and Qatar.
Reports by Al Jazeera about Libyan jets firing on protesters in Tripoli and the major cities are unverified and questionable. [9] Hereto, the reports that Libyan jets have been attacking people in the streets have not been verified. No visual evidence of the jet attacks has been shown, while visual confirmation about other events have been coming out of Libya.
Al Jazeera is not alone in its biased reporting from Libya. The Saudi media is also relishing the events in Libya. Asharq Al-Awsat is a Saudi-owned paper that is strictly aligned to U.S. interests in the Middle East-North Africa (MENA) region. Its editor-in-chief is now running editorials glorifying the Arab League for their decision to suspend Libya, because of the use of force by Tripoli against Libyans protesters – why were such steps not taken for Egypt, Tunisia, Bahrain, or Yemen? Inside and outside the Arab World, the mainstream media is now creating the conditions for some sort of intervention in Libya.
The Role of Foreign Interests in Libya
Qaddafi and his sons have run Libya like a private estate. They have squandered its wealth and natural resources. One of Gaddafi’s son’s is known to have paid the American singer BeyoncĂ© Knowles a million or more U.S. dollars for a private music concert. [10] Foreign corporations also play a role in this story.
The positions and actions of foreign corporations, the U.S., and the European Union in regards to Libya should not be ignored.
Questioning the role of foreign governments and corporations in Libya is very important. The Italian and U.S. governments should be questioned about the role that pilots of Italian nationality and newly bought U.S. weaponry are playing in Libya.
It is very clear that democracy is only used as a convenient pretext against dictators and governments that do not bow down and serve U.S. and E.U. interests. All one needs to do is to just look at the way Mutassim Qaddafi was welcomed with open arms in Washington on April 21, 2009 by Hillary Clinton and the Obama Administration. Upon their meeting, Secretary Clinton publicly said:
I am very pleased to welcome Minister Gaddafi to the State Department. We deeply value the relationship between the United States and Libya. We have many opportunities to deepen and broaden our cooperation and I am very much looking forward to building on this relationship. So Mr.Minister welcome so much here. [11]
What the U.S. and the E.U. want to do now is maximize their gain in Libya. Civil war seems to be what Brussels and Washington have in mind.
The Balkanization of Libya and the Push to Civil War
Qaddafi’s son Saif Al-Islam has made statements on Libyan television about deviant Taliban-like faith-based organizations taking over Libya or attempting to take it over. Nothing is further from the truth. He has also warned of doom and civil war. This is part of the Qaddafi family’s efforts to retain power over Libya, but a path towards civil war is unfolding in Libya.
Amongst the ranking members of the military, Mahdi Al-Arab, the deputy chief of Libya’s military staff, was said to have renounced Qaddafi. [12] Al-Arab, however, has modified his position by saying that he does not want to see Libya spiral into a civil war that will allow foreign intervention and tutelage. [13] This is why Al-Arab prevented the people of his city, Zawarah, from joining the revolt and going to nearby Tripoli. [14]
The drive towards civil war in Libya is fuelled by two factors. One is the nature of Qaddafi’s regime. The other is an external desire to divide and weaken Libya.
Qaddafi has always worked to keep Libyans divided. For years there have been fears that Qaddafi’s sons would start a civil war amongst themselves or that some other high ranking officials could try to jockey for power once Qaddafi was gone. Civil war on the basis of ethnicity, regionalism, or tribalism is not a big threat. Tribes and regions could be co-opted or allied with, but the people that would spark a civil war are regime figures. The threats of civil war arise from the rivalries amongst regime officials themselves. Yet, it must be understood that these rivalries are delibertly being encouraged to divide Libya.
The flames of revolt are being fanned inside Libya. Chaos in the Arab World has been viewed as beneficial in many strategic circles in Washington, Tel Aviv, London, and NATO Headquarters. If Libya falls into a state of civil war or becomes balkanized this will benefit the U.S. and the E.U. in the long-term and will have serious geo-political implications.
All the neighbouring states in North Africa would be destabilized by the events in Libya. West Africa and Central Africa would also be destabilized. The tribal boundaries running in Libya and Chad extend into countries like Niger, Algeria, and Sudan. The chaos in Libya would also have a significant effect on Europe and global energy. Already the events in Libya are being used to validate the drive to control the Arctic Circle and its energy resources. [15]
What Will Be Qaddafi’s End?
It is very likely that Qaddafi will not have as fortunate an exit from power as Ben Ali in Tunisia and Mubarak in Egypt. Finding refuge for Qaddafi will not be easy. In general, Qaddafi is considered a liability by other governments. Saudi Arabia, which can be portrayed as a refuge for Arab dictators, will most likely not give Qaddafi refuge. Libya and Saudi Arabia have bad relations. He is also wanted for investigation in Lebanon. Generally, Qaddafi’s relationship with the leaders of the Arab petro-sheikhdoms in the Persian Gulf is tense and negative. He will not be granted refuge anywhere in the Persian Gulf.
In general, Arab governments will also be afraid to host him. In his efforts to present himself as a champion of the people, he has insulted many of his fellow Arab dictators. There is something to be said, however, when Qaddafi’s statements at Arab League meetings or about Palestine and Iraq are far more popular or candid than the rest of the Arab dictators.
It is highly improbable that any Latin American, European, or ex-Soviet countries will give him refuge. A country in sub-Sahara(n) Africa is the mostly likely place Qaddafi could seek refuge.
His options are limited and he is determined to hold on to power. Civil War seems to be looming in the horizon. It is highly unlikely that he will leave Libya peacefully and the U.S. and its allies have no doubt examined this scenario. On February 23-24, 2010, he met with the leaders of the three biggest tribes in Libya (Werfala, Tarhouna, and Wershfana), to secure their support. [16] His own tribe, Qaddafa is supporting him and it seems that the Madarha and Awlad Slieman tribes are also supporting him. [17]
The Threats of NATO Intervention and U.S. and E.U. Control over Libya
Libya has been in the cross-hairs of the Pentagon for years. According to Wesley Clark, the retired general who was the supreme military commander of NATO, Libya was on a Pentagon list of nations to be invaded after Taliban-controlled Afghanistan. The list included Iraq, Somalia, Sudan, Lebanon, Syria, and lastly Iran. In Clark’s own words:
So I came back to see him [a high ranking military officer in the Pentagon] a few weeks later, and by that time we were bombing in Afghanistan. I said, “Are we still going to war with Iraq?” And he said, “Oh, it’s worse than that.” He reached over on his desk. He picked up a piece of paper. And he said, “I just got this down from upstairs” — meaning the Secretary of Defence’s office — “today.” And he said, “This is a memo that describes how we’re going to take out seven countries in five years, starting with Iraq, and then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finishing off, Iran.” [18]
In one way or another all the nations on the list have been attacked directly or indirectly and all of them, but Syria and Iran, have succumbed to the U.S. and its allies. Again, the only exceptions are Iran and its ally Syria. In Lebanon, the U.S. has made partial gains, but it is now receding with the decline of the Hariri-led March 14 Alliance.
Libya started secret negotiations with Washington in 2001 that materialized into formal rapprochement after the fall of Baghdad to British and American troops in 2003. Yet, the U.S. and its allies have always wanted to expand their influence over the Libyan energy sector and to appropriate Libya’s vast wealth. A civil war provides the best cover for this.
Libyans Must Be Aware of the Pretext of Humanitarian Intervention
The Libyan people should be on their high guards. In is clear that the U.S. and the E.U. are supporting both sides. The U.S. and the E.U. are not the allies of the people of the Arab World. In this regard, the U.S. supports Qaddafi on the ground through military hardware, while it also supports the “opposition.” If the so-called Western governments were serious about democracy, they would have cut their business ties to Libya, specifically in the energy sector, before 2011.
Both Washington and the powers in Brussels could co-opt opposition forces. They have supported Gaddafi, but they do not control him or his regime like they controlled Ben Ali in Tunisia and Mubarak in Egypt. Libya is a very different story. The objectives of Washington and Brussels will be to strengthen their control over Libya either through regime change or civil war.
“Actions of opposition to Gaddafi” are strong, but there is no strong organized “opposition movement.” The two are different. Nor is democracy guaranteed, because of the nature of the coalition opposed to Gaddafi, which includes corrupt regime officials.
There is now talk about a “humanitarian intervention” in Libya, similar to Yugoslavia and Iraq. A “no-fly zone” over Libya has been mentioned, as has NATO military intervention. The aims behind such statements are not humanitarian, but are intended to justify foreign interference, which could potentially lead to an invasion. Should this come to fruition, Libya would become an occupied country. Its resources would be plundered and its assets privatized and controlled by foreign corporations as in the case of Iraq.
Today, in Libya and the Arab World the ghosts of Omar Mukhtar and Saladin are still very much alive and active. Getting rid of Gaddafi and his sons alone is not the solution. The entire corrupt system of governance in Libya and the culture of political corruption must be dismantled. At the same time, however, foreign interference or domination should also not be allowed to take root in Libya. If the Libyan people are mobilized and steadfast, they can fight such schemes.
Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya specializes in the Middle East and Central Asia. He is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization.
[1] “UK Hague: some information that Qaddafi on way to Venezuela,” Reuters, February 21, 2011.
[2] One is taken back by the proliferation of pre-1969 coup Libyan flags. Where did all these flags come from?
[3] “3 Libyan Diplomats resign,” The Hindu, February 22, 2011.
[4] James Wolf, “U.S. eyes arms sales to Libya,” Reuters, March 6, 2009.
[5] Ibid.
[6] Information from sources in Libya; not publicly confirmed yet.
[7] Ibid.
[8] Ibid.
[9] Ibid.; I have been given two explanations for this. The first explanation is that government agents from Libya have been disseminating misinformation to Al Jazeera. This includes reports made to Al Jazeera that jets have been attacking civilians in the streets. Gaddafi has used this to try to discredit Al Jazeera internally in Libya by pointing out to the Libyan people that no jet attacks have occurred and that Al Jazeera is broadcasting misinformation. The second explanation is that Al Jazeera is simply spreading misinformation. Whatever the case, both explanations agree no Libyan jets have attacked protesters yet.
[10] Marine Hyde, “BeyoncĂ© and the $2m gig for Colonel Gaddafi’s son,” The Guardian (U.K.), January 8, 2010; it was Mutassim and not Hannibal Gaddafi that the music concert was for (the article is wrong). The article is not authoritative and has been cited to illustrate that these types of escapades are even vaguely known by the mainstream press in Britain and Western Europe.
[11] U.S. State Department, “Remarks With Libyan National Security Adviser Dr. Mutassim Qadhafi Before Their Meeting,” April 21, 2009:
[12] Information from sources in Libya; not publicly confirmed yet.
[13] Ibid.
[14] Ibid.
[15] David Ljunggren, “Libya turmoil puts focus on Arctic oil: Greenland,” ed. Robert Wilson, Reuters, February 23, 2011.
[16] Information from sources in Libya; not publicly confirmed yet. I have been told that Qaddafi promised the tribes reform and that he would step down in about one year in time. I was also informed that he claimed that none of his sons would control Libya either.
[17] Ibid.
[18] General (retired) Wesley Clark, “92 Street Y Exclusive Live Interview,” interview by Amy Goodman, Democracy Now, March 2, 2007.
Global Research Articles by Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya
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